適用於iOS 12的最佳免費VPN APP-適用於iPhone和iPad的LUNA虛擬專用網

適用於iOS 12的最佳免費VPN APP-適用於iPhone和iPad的LUNA虛擬專用網





跟隨我! ?





  1. But it』s not a vpn it doesn』t hide your IP I know that factually but I don』t know if it encrypts anything and I would say I doubt it

  2. Best vpn, but he doesn』t even know how it works.
    Nice lie.
    He didn』t even used the app for 24 hours.
    Because if he did, he should know he got silver status for free.

  3. Luna sucks i have changed the location to canada and turned it on and went to check my location on internet and i was still in my home country can somebody help meeeeee

  4. Guys if u want ur status to go up just share the app with someone and make them go on the app and keep doing it until u reach diamond I』m diamond know!

  5. What about Cloudflare .inc ? I don』t know what to make of it also I am an old man with a serious heart problem and I can』t work so I don』t earn even a penny and where I life there are no special services for old folks . We don』t get a dime from anybody and I count my blessing because at least I have an Apple iPad which is about 5 to 6 years old but in excellent condition and I would watch movies free online all the time until about 2 weeks ago when I started getting blocked by this company called Cloudflare.inc . They said it』s the servers fault not my fault , well if that were the scene then why is it that for about 5 years I never once had a problem and these guys keep pushing forcing me to subscribe to one of their bullshit program so from there I know the culprit is google etc. for screwing the public slowly but surely .

  6. Well I used this VPN for my Apple iPad iOS 12 and this service has actually been broken a few times , much to my amusement ! I think if you are not really using it thru and thru you won』t know . You said it yourself that you are mainly after getting the ads out also you mentioned money so I think it』s only fair to be straight .

  7. People are complaining that it collects your data, yet every company does that. What do you think they mean by 「collect your data to improve your experience」?

  8. Well I have a new Iphone 7 I got sick of the ads (like im allway's sick from them), I Downloaded Luna, its brilliant. I'm almost in Platinum absolutley no sign of payeing whatever…

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