
了解如何使用鏈式規則找到函數的導數。函數y的導數y = f(x)是函數y相對於變數x的變化率的度量。查找函數導數的過程稱為微分。查找函數導數的方法有多種,包括直接微分,乘積規則,商規則,鏈規則(函數的功能)等。

給定形式為y = f(g(x()))的函數時,該函數的導數由y’= f’(g(x))g’(x)給出。這種區分方法稱為鏈式規則。鏈規則用於查找作為另一個函數的函數的函數的導數。 。

  1. 1:30 Couldn』t you rewrite the denominator as 2 tines sqrt(3x^2+17x) and then rationalized the denominator to get rid of the square root to get [(6x+17) times sqrt(3x^2+17x)] divided by (6x^2+24x)?

  2. Thank you so much. Way more efficient than my professor who is teaching us about newtons history rather than get into the calculus.

  3. Dear students out there:
    !!!!for your f(x) and f prime (x) don't use an x when U substituting. I guarantee you will forget it doesn't remain as an x and has to be substituted.

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