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  1. when you kill a mythic raiding boss you get a chance at gear the equivalent of what would be 5 ilvl's higher than what a mythic dungeon farmer could get once a week. No matter how many dungeons you do in a week none of the gear that could drop would be closer than -15 ilvls of what you could get by killing one mythic raiding boss. If you kill 2 mythic bosses then you have twice as many chances as someone who only does mythic dungeons does per week. kill 3 at that's 3 times better odds at getting better loot than a mythic dungeon runner.

    Mythic raiding is harder to organize and more rewarding than mythic dungeon farming.

  2. Imagine replacing titanforging with something even worse, and on top of that killing m+ pushing for casual players. Even with titanforging and warforging i was till raiding due to some items from the raids being really good overall to use in m+ and pvp also.

    May as well just unsub until Shadowlands.

  3. Mythic raiding should be higher but 15 ilvl is to much. +15 10ilvl behind +20 5 ilvl behind that the cap so raiding is always 5 above

  4. Wasn't the whole purpose of Mythic + to be an alternative to raiding to begin with? I think your chest should contain a 5 lvl upgrade token you can put on any dungeon gear like the pvp one. Or have some corrupted items that increase whatever in dungeons but not raids and vice versa. Raiding item that increase whatever in raids but not dungeons

  5. Well my Opinion with the mythic+ drop tables is like, legion where the gear should maybe scale up to +15 or even +20 so poeple have something to aim for with better gear if they don't have time for Mythic raiding. Then they have a little chance to increase the ilvl obtained by Only Mythic+ player. It seems that blizzard trying to force the mythic+ pushers to go in and clear some of the mythic raid so they can optimize the gear.

  6. Have mythic raid gear drop to I lvl 430 when in a mythic dungeon. Problem solved. This way there is a cap and everyone has equal opportunity to compete gear wise.

  7. Is there any info out there about and for non-raiders – that mean ppl who got to low internet or in my case a pc that is on the edge of just playing (2.1gz and low graphic card ) Is it any reason for playing if u dont raid ??? if u know ? to get gear i mean

  8. Nice there were 2 ads at the beginning and another ad right before you got into the matter..really unenjoyable..I get it everyone uses ads, it's how economy works now and bla bla but it's getting fuckin annoying

  9. I feel like I'm fine with mythic raiders getting higher ilvl loot than mythic + normal runs but I think the weekly chest should reward at least a mythic equivalent piece of gear. That way you don't have access to the same amount of loot as a mythic raider but over time you can build up your set with a random piece each week. Also maybe if you do a +10 you get 5 ilvl lower and if you do a 15 you get same as a mythic raider in your chest. The gear dropped in the dungeons should not be mythic level quality even a +15.

  10. This is so bad. Listen ppl. Anyone who do mythic raiding raiding or higher m+ know what classes are good. Right? So if you want to do M+ lets say right know you kinda need a DH and a ROGUE right? Because they have good damage and utility. What if they were trash dps in raids? So that player who is investing a lot more time in M+ ( let's be honest those who started doing a lot of M+ since 8.0 invested so much more time in the game then those who do mythic raids ) every week gets wrecked by the guild because he is playing a class which cannot do enough damage to bring the boss down or his class is just not needed ( like DH wbo deals decent damage but there's only one needed for magic debuff). If he can't kill the boss he get's no mythic gear. No gear = no high M+ key pushing. If no high M+ key pushing = unsub.

    This is reality of M+ players.

    This is how I see it.

  11. It would be hella RNG, but maybe the weekly chest could have like a 20% chance or something to reward you with a mythic piece if you have done either +10 or +15

  12. Fact:
    M+ players don't want to raid, they feel they have to to get certain azerite gear or trinkets. It's shit. It's not that there's "a lot of discussion", there's no upside to this system and it just forces people who can't raid to either quit or buy boosts to be competitive. People from raid, will have a gear-advantage going into higher keys, that means "M+ pushers" have to raid, you need to allow them the gear from grinding M+ only before even 20 keys etc, like 15s+TF (remember difficulty will adjust), not once a month, as it is now on a per run basis. Lots of M+ players fall into this category and don't want to dedicate the time to raiding. There's no reason why they shouldn't be able to just do M+ and gear as competitively as M-Raiders as the raiders would come to M+ with a gear advantage otherwise. Also, I don't like corruption or the sound of obelisks, if all these things suck it'll destroy M+ for me this season and I'll just stop playing.

  13. @MadSkillzzTV Mate why don't they just redo the Warlords Of Draenor PvP item leveling scaling items. Like I'm literally just coming back from break so I don't know the actual item levels for each M+ Chest, but get rid of Warforging, and Titanforging, but say M+0 gives 400 ilv, and each M+ level ups that by 5 ilv, so M+10 would be 450 ilv, but the item itself stays 400 ilv in general content, pvp, raids, etc. But in M+ the item level of each item scales to whatever version of that items acquisition M+level. So as two examples that you have, "Noobs Helm of Noobery – Mythic 5 – Item level 400 (425)" and "Nubs Cloak of Feedery – Mythic 2 – Item level 400 (410)"
    Of course not having all M+ items scale to one set item level kind of like the WoD gear did, but in relation to the Mythic+ level, then have that item level cut off like it does now at +10. That honestly seems like the easiest way to make everyone happy, or maybe have it that scaled not just in Mythic plus, but also in the open world for questing and such so that it's not a hindrance, or power loss when just rep, or mat farming. Seems like a simple solution.

  14. I dont think people should feel like they have to raid mythic to do high level mythic plus. If they are afraid people will quit raiding because you arent forced into it, maybe make raiding more fun so people actually want to do it.

  15. Raids should give the best gear, because they reset once a week while m+ is spammable now matter how high you go

    I will say that I wouldn't mind it if let's say 17+ ish would drop gear that's 5 ilvls lower than mythic raid gear

  16. this neutering of mythic plus will kill the game for me and many other people, most people dont have time or inclination to join a mythic raiding guild

  17. I feel like the titanforging system made me come back a couple of times to do more mythic+ within the years since legion even when I didnt have the time to do mythic raiding. I dont care way too much about gear but I feel like its a fun part of the game and you can continue off doing the same content with a chance of an upgrade

  18. The reason why mythic raiding should reward Highest lvl gear is becuz you are server locked to your prog , you cant cross server with other servers in order to raid , MYTHIC PLUS is cross server so it doesn't require you to find ppl on your server to meet you times in order to do keys , you are able to play with anyone anywhere in your region at anytime to push keys ( obvis up to a certain key ) Mythic + should have a high ilvl for rewards (after lvl 15s) But it def should not be the same lvl as Mythic raiding

  19. Why would anyone non mythic raider should deserve an equal loot table to a mythic raider? How come wiping 200 pulls for days on penultimate design fight is to be perceived as similar level of difficulty as a 40min 5man dungeon? Who in their actual mind would think that these 2 are actually equal? Loot Rewards should linearly scale as the level of difficulty scales and that is the linear progression of content difficulty in WoW atm: Mythic Raiding>15+Keys>=Heroic>10+Keys> Normal> M+ below 10>LFR>Mythic0s>HC dungeons>questing.

  20. "best equped gear in that given time" yes exactly and in august its totaly useless a grren item is better then the shit you have on

  21. this game comparing to other mmos is simply not pleasing me anymore…
    Simplicity is gone..vendors are gone..
    everything worthy in the game has to be done by super players..although I did mythic raiding is annoying af..
    This game more looks like a fucking JOB than a thing to have fun with…

  22. i feel like the weekly chest (ONLY) should drop mythic raiding gear ilevel IF it is higher than 15 or above. The 10 -14 should drop a weekly item that is 5 item levels above the mythic 10 loot .As for the 20+ they should have a mythic raiding gear equivilant item level and 100% chance to have a socket(ONLY on weekly chest ofc). Thats my personal opinion.

  23. well even though m+ is repetable, the chest is weekly, so let's say that u can get the highest ilvl out from that chest if u time a +20 key, or a few different +20 keys (like 3 or 5) and that's rly not that easy to do plus u only have a chance of 1 item/week compared to raider that have 10 or 12 chances of item dropping plus coins and ther's also the item pool which stays the same for m+ while raiding gives u new and more interesting items with different effects that u just can't get from m+ on any ilvl no matter how hard u try

  24. Mythic raiding drops the best trinkets and staff for my class, there's still reasons to farm mythic raids. Maxing out item level is a goal for a lot of players (even if it's not best inslot). A lot of the community get butt hurt on item level due to its currency in getting you accepted into raids n dungeons and the slow catch up system of m+ is enjoyed by a lot of the community because of this. It's only the top 2% of players who mythic raid so changing this would make 2% happy and potentially 98% upset that they'll never ever reach that il.

    I personally wouldn't quit but would be sad to see gear that I'd never get due to my life responsibilities these day.

  25. They had it on point when there was tier gear, go to a raid get tier gear and that gives you an advantage, mythic plus should get the same ilvl gear with no tier gear, I'm not sure why this isn't the case, they screw themselves over every time they make these stupid changes, titanforging and warforging should never get removed, that's probably one of the things that keeps players running dungeons, if not wth is the point? Corrupted gear is a huge step down it's not even on the same level, it's a debuff on the gear pretty much

  26. Am I the only one who feels like these "niche" players who all want the best gear is screwing over the game? It's an mmo of course the best gear should come from the raids. Wow is not an Arpg, stop trying to make it one and go play diablo.

  27. 5 man content should not keep up with 20 man content. Otherwise people will just do the 5 man content. We are already seeing this. Most raiders are quitting raiding and just farming mythic + for gear

  28. The weekly chest will give you decent ilvl gear. Probably not as high as mythic raid but still for the content it is relevant, I guess.

    Also, the only reason m+ worked was because of titanforging. Trust me, less people will do it

  29. An answer to this question would be to separate the gear. For raids it could give beneficial things like the old tier sets, but m+ gear could reward certain class abilities that you could use to fill uncovered bases. Say you don't have a friend who plays a rogue, well now you would be able to get shroud added onto an item, thus making the lack of a rogue irrelevant or maybe its sanguine week and you really need a ring of peace. This would also provide more variety in MDI as not all of the dungeons would require the exact same setup.

    For the ilvl, I think that reaching +15 should reward you mythic level gear from weekly chest either at 8.3.5 or even at the very beginning of a new patch, I don't really have a solid opinion on that and if you achieve +20 then instead of being rewarded by a ridiculous surplus of gear you could start receiving mythic level gear. Then also scale the dungeons accordingly so that CE raiders are able to achieve +20's. This would not affect the top end of m+ runners, because they could then just go do like +25's and up, because the level of scaling would be the same for everyone.

  30. Lmao did you just say 20+ Kings in same line as the water boss???…
    20+ king rest is much more harder then any mythic raid boss this TEP. Period…. Mythic+ are more enjoyable and should reward same gear as myhtic raid.. I have 2.5K on my druid from alliance and only 3 bosses down in raid cause its so boring and I don't like to have a guild.. So I must pug or join a stupid group of 20 people.. No one got time for that, I think loot system is much better the way it is..

  31. They should just change loot boxes, so when you do Mythic+ past +15's it will give you a 445 piece of gear instead of 430. So you still get the best gear if you're doing the hardest content, in this case, high end Mythic+.

  32. I』m not a mythic raider but I think mythic raids should drop the best gear. I still want the weekly chest to be capped at 440 ilv but I don』t want titan forging.

  33. Saying people won't do Mythic raids because they can't get the best gear is just stupid, a lot of people do Mythic raids to finish it and be one of the top 100, 250, 500 worldwide or maybe top 1,5 or 10 server wide to do so. All it means is Mythic raid leaders will up the importance of their raiders doing high keys each week to get the best gear. It will slightly devalue doing the raid weekly for people unless it has a lot of BiS gear in it though I think

  34. My guild has multiple 3k+ io players. We achieved famed slayer. We are currently clearing 8/8 in a single night and our tertiary and beyond alt runs are 4/8+ easily. At 2700 I am one of the more average M+ runners.

    The idea that a +20 should not reward Max ilvl gear is very bad, and will have unintended consequences. A +20 King』s Rest tyrannical is significantly more difficult than any mythic boss except maybe Azshara. True, the skills are different, but the difficulty is very comparable. A healer or dispel class will have a harder time on Azshara while melee will have a harder time in the KR.

    I would like to see both systems award Max ilvl gear, with m+ gear maxing out at +20. Hell, maybe even lower (like +18) depending on the statistics of how many people complete the keys. I just want M+ to remain relevant, and if you can』t even get a solid forge then only the most diehard key pushers will keep doing it… and none of us will bother with lower keys aside from carries for gold or whatever.

    Right now I』m happy to do 10-15s. I can pump out enough damage to either carry the run outright or make up for vast inadequacies among other members. This makes it much more fun for them, since they can have a 450 ilvl DH randomly show up and tear through their keystone, and it rewards me by giving me a chance at an elusive titanforge. I don』t like the RNG of forging but I do like being able to get an upgrade. I like having a reason to pug lower keys. Without titanforging and without the possibility of max ilvl gear there is no reason for me to continue doing this.

    Same with heroic raids. I can grab a few friends and queue up for some heroic run stuck on Azshara and go in to smash it with the hope of getting a forged font for our mages or warlocks. No reason to do that otherwise.

    The end result will be lower M+ participation, increased stratification between those who slam the high keys and those who don』t, increased gold sales, greater frustration and stagnation amongst the lower tier players, and apathy amongst the higher end key runners.

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