冠狀病毒:為什麼英國對大多數其他國家的反應不同? | LBC

英國在對抗冠狀病毒方面採取了與其他大多數國家截然不同的方法。 LBC解釋了總理戰略背後的思想。

鮑里斯·約翰遜(Boris Johnson)的計劃是創建一種針對冠狀病毒的「群免疫」,這意味著,如果大量低風險人群感染該病毒,以後將很難進一步傳播。


LBC的Ben Kentish解釋了英國冠狀病毒策略背後的科學。

「鮑里斯·約翰遜(Boris Johnson)昨天堅決表示,他堅信他採取了正確的方法-首席醫學官和首席科學顧問也是如此。



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  1. No man is an island, Entire of itself.

    Each is a piece of the continent, A part of the main.

    If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less.

    As well as if a promontory were.

    As well as if a manner of thine own Or of thine friend's were.

    Each man's death diminishs me, For I am involved in mankind.

    Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls,

    It tolls for thee. – For whom the bell tolls / John Donne

  2. Why can't these government leaders, Kiss a covid -19 patient in the icu in the mouth so this herd immunity they're wanting their people to embrace can spead up so that we could achieve the 'immunity' they believe in and 'protect the vulnerable' . I you won't be willing to do it yourself then don't expect it from your people stelletje idioten!!!

  3. Stupidity at it's best ! Where do they find those "journalists"? Doesn't need to be smart to understand that if you don't slow down the velocity at witch the virus spread you will exceed your medical capacity and increase death number.
    Yes, at the end the total number of infection will be the same, the total of death won't.

  4. the sad thing is that many old and weak people will die as a result of this procedure. the health system will soon be completely overloaded and the pension system will be relieved in the long run. In my eyes this is a cruel way of dealing with doctors, nurses and also citizens. I am so sorry for what is happening to you.

  5. This people are crazy.
    Rest of the countries are complaining because they are blocked in their houses and in the UK are not happy because they are free to go out
    Really, seriously? Those people are they hear what they are talking?
    Who is closed in quarantine are complaining and who is not force in quarantine is complaining as well!
    Really people are you ok???

  6. If that's the British government strategy in facing this corona outbreak, then British people should ask Boris Johnson to be infected first before them…

  7. Johnson needs to stop acting like a grim reaper. Don't let your country be overwhelmed by a high number of infection of the virus and wait till 400 people day die. Slow down the rapid transmission by lockdowns. Innocents gonna die.

  8. Britain practises euthanasia via political force: that』s fascism. The British people shall wait and see their immunity coming; those who die will be a sacrifice and lower the costs. Britain is willing to disregard science and humanitarian ethics for the survival of the wealthy… This virus makes no exceptions for the posh, maybe they wish the poor had washed their hands and let their children stay home when it』s to late… Your government is not prepared and ignorant – Brexitus is delivered with no delay.

  9. Only the most vulnerable people will die. They tend to be ill already and in receipt of welfare benefits, or over 70 and claiming pensions. If they die Boris and his Government chums are quids in. Saves a fortune in benefits and pensions that Boris can spend on his new brat.

  10. No way is the UK going to uncouple from the EU at the end of the year. Tariffs on imports? Serious border checks? No way.

  11. The reported death rate is consistently 3.5%. These are the UK stats (where schools are still open, and where the response like the US was very slow). The death rate in the UK is 3.5% so far, which is in line with other countries. The death rate in Italy is higher. If 80% of the population gets the virus (which is what Johnson is saying) with a death rate of 3.5% then 1.96 million will die. That compares with 326,000 UK deaths in the Second World War.
    If 1% die , then only 560,000 will die.

  12. they are going for the slow "herd immunity" when 60% plus, have had the virus, herd immunity will kick in and it'll all be OK… but that means the majority of the population that governments wants to contract this disease. but the bonus for the government is that old people who are on a state pension will die, then they can claim they have done a fantastic job by reducing the DWP budget.

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