
總理賈斯汀·特魯多(Justin Trudeau)周一宣布,加拿大的邊界將對所有非公民和非永久居民關閉……除了少數例外。 Mike Armstrong和Abigail Bimman報告了哪些人仍被允許進入加拿大,以及哪些加拿大機場仍在接受國際航班。另外,希瑟·尤里克斯·韋斯特(Heather Yourex-West)考察了加拿大人因關閉學校和日托所面臨的日益不確定性,這可能會持續到秋天。


  1. While all Chinese paid a huge price to fight the virus, many western media has been smearing China, as usual. now ….

  2. Hello everyone, just a friendly reminder to please seek our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. He is waiting for you to build a relationship with him! The first step is to repent of your sins and ask God to come in your heart! Also, please refer to Matthew Chp.24 and Luke chp.21 in the bible! (KJV version). It describes the signs before the second coming of God. Much of it is happening today! Furthermore, we are just getting started with these terrible world events! Pray that you are worthy to enter in heaven please! God bless, have a lovely day :).

  3. Why would they allow truckers to come and go across our two countries with out being tested or treated for the virus. If they just loaded all that stuff on trains and cross the boarders it would cut down on man power and slow the spread of the virus.

  4. Close all borders for now. Canada and US had over 3 months to prepare and produce enough test kits, why are we not doing what countries like S Korea did? Free drive through tests for everybody that wants one. Our mr.zoolander PM doesn't want to be tested because we don't have enough test kits? Ridiculous.

  5. Hey this is Aamir Shamim form India Please mixed experiment on
    Hepatitis Virus A
    Hepatitis virus B
    Hepatitis virus C
    Hepatitis virus D vaccines
    please test for my opinion.
    Can we try to create antibiotics vaccine for Cronavirus

  6. Don't be afraid, a lot of this is media and government official hype…..it's astounding how easily the masses can be controlled

  7. Hold China responsible for all these death. They withheld information about the virus when it could have been contained. That is murder. Now it's PANDEMIC…. IT'S TANTSMOUNT TO A WORLDWIDE MASS MURDER!!!

  8. Hell! Just two weeks ago they were telling us to go to Chinatown and hug Asians to prove we weren't "RACIST!!" These politicians are totally incompetent. Start looking out for yourselves, folks.

  9. CREATION HAS SIX BASIC LEVELS… The Physical, Astral, Causal, Mental, Etheric and Deep Dark Border, make up what is known as Creation. Most people have been slyly seduced to only see the Physical Realm as Creation, and everything else in outer space is like a decoration the gods created for people. This is one of many 'cute' ideas created as Marketing Ploy to keep you unaware and a slave to the KEK Systems (Kontrolling Earthly Korporations). In this NUBook and many others I have also written, I describe the various Levels in Creation. The 'gods' of invention do exist, but only as governors of their levels, as they like to 'play the role' of gods to the little unaware people on the round worlds in time and space. Astral Entities, Fairies, so-called Angels, along with the Gods of Man, and others like to play tricks on the unaware people struggling to survive in the Physical Realm. The educated intellectuals of this world have been taught a subtle arrogance to 'Think' they know more than Life ITSelf. They see what they have academically accomplished from the invented systems as something more important than The ALLNatural Environment that supports them. The earth and all the round worlds here are merely Level One and always in darkness. The Astral, Causal, Mental and Etheric Realms are the Heavens of Man, as they have many levels within them. Most people are unaware they have four other bodies besides the physical body that correspond to the Five Basic Levels in Creation. As long as you are in a body, you are in Cause and Effect Creation and you will continue to reincarnate unconsciously no matter what the Angels, Saviors and Saints and the Gods of Man tell you.
    BEYOND THE SIXTH LEVEL… IS The Endless LifeLevels of The Real UNUverses of The SoundLight ALLAliveniss Reality of THE ALLIS. Starting from The Seventh LifeLevel IS RealFreedom. There is no freedom on the earth and any of the round worlds in time and space, nor with the Heavens of Man and their old invented gods.
    Creation is a 'Place in Life' like a simulator as a process to go thru until, YU, The RealU Wakes Up and Recognizes The TruReality LifeIS. The Real UNUversal Guides are the Direct Representatives of THE ALLIS. They know The NUWay to RealFreedom and they stand with THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN NOW. The old words such as OM, AUM, HU, Amen and so many others are mainly with the RATS who Kontrol the earth, as they Astrally TapLine people in their Dreams to Kontrol them for more lifetimes. The earth is nothing more than a Poisoned Prison Planet and there is no future on it. THE ALLIS has provided The NUSound, The NU~U, as The RealConnection to ALL The Magnificent Real UNUverses IT IS in. Singing The NU~U will open up Your DreamVisions, so that YU can start Your NUJourney to RealFreedom Now! Take The Risk and have an 'Adventure Like No Other' with The Real UNUversal Guides and See Beyond this world!

  10. Roxham road is still open and illegal immigrants are still coming into Canada, so the border is still open. thats what a lack of leadership gets you.

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