Trisha Paytas偽造「 My Alters SWITCH」視頻嗎?

大家好,今天我們正在討論Trisha Paytas我的Alters Switch視頻以及為什麼我認為這是假的。也請DissociaDID對這部影片的回應!此外,據稱Trisha也以漏咖啡的名義打擊了一個頻道。我們也對此進行討論。




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  1. Besides being mentally ill, she's doing this to save her dying channel which is really disturbing! In saying that how does she think this is gonna help build her channel again, she's killing it even faster!

  2. FYI: Trisha doesn't have a "management team". This is all on her. The only bit of management she's had is her mgr. Jordan, who dumped her when she started doing Only Fans. He didn't want to be associated with Porn & she was becoming a negative influence on his reputation. The name you saw that was claiming copyright strikes is a paid program/company you can use, to easily identify if someone is using your content. It does all the legwork for you, so you don't have to do it manually, on your own. Every bit of this is on Trisha herself & the only person she employs is her sister, on a part-time basis. But, as of late, she hasn't been around much either. Probably distancing herself from Trisha, too. She's been known in the past to not agree with a lot of the stuff Trisha does & when trolling gets out of control, she speaks up, which doesn't go over well with Trisha. When that happens, they distance themselves from each other, to put it nicely.
    Trisha's a garbage human who does NOT deserve the platforms she has. They've all been built on lies, deception & trolling. She has patterns that she runs over & over. Usually blaming it all on things out of her control, like drugs. Which I don't believe at all. It's just her go-to fallback, that no one questions. She loves to use mental health & drugs as an excuse for everything because if you question that, you look like the asshole! All in all… just simple trash.

  3. Does anyone know who Trish parents are? I feel like she needs some attention from family and people who care for her. She needs to get off the internet and probably in an institution and get some serious help. Whoever is helping her now needs to do a better job or get her some more help.

  4. she clearly has an underlying problem, but I can tell it's not anything she "came out" with. Did you know there is behavioral disorder that makes you EXTRA attention seeking? There is a legit medical condition when your brain craves attention so much you are able to do practically ANYTHING to get it… even fake an illness

  5. If you have to GO to someone's channel and watch to be offended then you choose to be offended. I choose what I see, watch, listen to, and I also choose who I react. The people upset by Trish can feel 10x better by just not following her.

  6. Trisha did a video with Blaire White recently where she said she did meth last year. Based on her behavior lately I wouldn't doubt if she started up again. This is so off.

  7. The fact that she mocked Nin's little is just…horrifying. Nin and the DissociaDID system have done so much work to break the stigma around DID and Trisha just comes barreling through, undoing so much good and setting back a ton of progress made.

  8. It makes me feel sick that she just pretended to have a Little, mocking the DissociaDiD System…. it took some serious courage for them to let Anthony include that part of the interview, because they're always extremely careful about protecting their Littles from being seen on camera, from letting people find out their names or too much about them… Dissociadid really put themselves out there in a major way by leaving that portion in for people to see, and Trisha feckin USES THIS AS FODDER FOR HER CHARADE. oh my God what kind of person DOES that?! Exploiting a child! Unbelievable. I don't doubt that DissociaDiD will hesitate to ever let us see their littles again, which saddens me…. just because they deserve to feel safe and welcome in their community. ?

  9. I am so disgusted with her!! She has been so disrespectful to the transgender and D.I.D. communities and it needs to stop!! What she needs to do is delete all of these videos and if anything post one more apologizing for all the BS she』s pulled over the last few days and then disappear from the YouTube community for good cuz nobody wants her around anymore!! I haven』t liked her for a long time! I』ve thought she』s been a troll forever and all this just proves I』ve been right all along! GO AWAY TRISHA!!?‍♀️?

  10. as someone with DID, Trisha makes us break down. Upon watching Trisha』s video, I couldn』t deal with it anymore. It took me years to get a clear diagnosis and for Trisha to throw it around that she 『has』 DID, is absolutely disgusting. Her switch is very fake even though those who have DID switch in different ways. Also, to have DID, you have to have evidence of amnesia when you switch. And also, most systems have trust in their other members, not to do things that anyone else wouldn』t like. You have to have that trust. Trisha is very much faking it. I』ve gained confidence to speak about having DID but because of the stigma surrounding it now, many are comparing us (our system) to Trisha who does NOT have it.

  11. I'm so happy that people are actually speaking out on this. Trisha has so far offended the LGBTQ community which welcomed me with open arms, the DID community, and possibly more to come. She just wants clout. I watched her video with my sister and we hated it. And peep how she didn't really start switching like crazy until someone called her out on her bs.

  12. I want to tell everyone to try and stay strong. You』ve all been doing so well by trying to push through this. Trisha has done so much damage to so many systems, including ours. One of our persecutors has disappeared from the inner world and I』m so worried for her and we recently had a new split. The littles are also suffering and our caretaker is having so much difficulty trying to calm everyone down. I know how damaging videos like Trisha』s can be so I want to tell everyone to try and stay strong. You can all get through this, DID, OSDD-1 or otherwise.

  13. Girl Take you & Yo Peanut elsewhere ????????? She DEFF Has something wrong with her but to TROLL ANY COMMUNITY THAT'S SICK…. GIRL STICK WITH YOUR PODCASTS & Peanut rubbin….. Leave Ppl alone. Sending prayers to ANYONE Suffering!!!!! Hugs & lots of Loves!!!!! Just really sad over this. It's not right, I joke otherwise I'd cry… I have stage 4 MB Cancer & Shit isnt funny, being sick In pain suffering SUCKS. So sending love y'all ??????❤????????❤????

  14. I』m sorry… however, sadly, even though I wish I could say she was faking, I truly don』t know. Almost every D.I.D. and O.S.D.D. system has a different way of disassociation. While it might be true that it looks truly fake, I still have moments when I have a certain switch that resembles how trish』s 「switch」 works. Due to what Trisha had said, we blind ourselves to the true nature of DID. All systems are different, and yes… there are systems that have a switching mechanism that can be like this. While this exact representation is confusing and hard to believe, did can result in switches like this. For example, a person… TRIGGER WARNING TO THOSE WITH PTSD, DID, OSDD, etc.

    Say there』s a person who switches due to disassociative identity disorder, where there is a full separation of consciousness and memory retention. There are things that can trigger a switch to occur. This can be due to a certain thing or action triggering harmful flashbacks, or reactions to previous trauma. I can』t explain this exactly the correct way, but let』s just call them negative triggers. For other switches, there are instances where an alter can be pulled into being in control of the body through seemingly non-trauma related things. They may or probably have some association with the trauma, but does not cause negative emotions… as far as I know. These are positive triggers. Phew that was a lot to explain.

    Anyways, Positive triggers can be something as mundane as reading anything, yes that happens to some systems. There are also positive triggers such as food, or water, or anything to be completely honest. These switches are disorienting to most systems and aren』t welcome or intentional mostly. This might be what Trisha was trying to impersonate. If you want more info about positive triggers, watch the dissociaDID channel to learn more from a more experienced person

  15. As someone who may have DID, haven』t gone to a professional yet but will go soon, she is the worst. I have friends who have it and she is worse than the scum of the earth. Just because you have some research on it and you have some symptoms, doesn』t mean you have it. Professionals know if you have it. If you are concerned that you have DID, go to a professional.

  16. theres no denying that she has some sort of mental disorder and needs actual clinical help, DID is NOT it. I am not a fan of hers, but there is enough of these videos to know whats going on and im fairly certain it goes beyond just trolling.

  17. I've been subscribed to DissociaDID since the very beginning of their channel, and watching their system grow and come out of their shell is VERY inspiring. To see someone as gross and disgusting as Trisha do and say the things she is doing is infuriating. I hope karma gets her because it is well deserved.

  18. I reported her video for Hateful or Abuse Content and then "Abusing vulnerable individuals" . Suggest ya'll just do the same. Talking about her is what she wants. Getting her videos flagged and taken down is not. This is definitely constitutes abuse as it is making a mockery of marginalized group of people.

  19. WHO TF IS THIS GIRL? Seriously.. WTF does she do? I』m a bit older than the average viewer here, I think, (46!) … & I』m wondering 「 Maybe I just am getting old & don』t know her?」… BUT NOPE.. from what I can gather, she』s a useless spec on the ass of society. Just wants attention, good or bad. .. I REALLY do not care for her ..

  20. I don』t care if it is just trolling, what Trisha is doing here is pure EVIL. I hope Karma finds her and shows her just how despicable she is behaving. In the immortal words of Thorgy Thor, 「ugh, Jesus. Gross」

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