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1)冠狀病毒:衛生,個人防護設備和自我隔離Megathread https://www.peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/coronavirus-sanitation-ppe-and-self-quarantine-megathread-for-january-2020/

2)冠狀病毒:藥物,草藥和補品Megathread https://www.peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/coronavirus-medicinals-herbals-and-supplements-megathread-for-january-2020/

3)冠狀病毒:家庭準備,餐具室和園藝Megathread https://www.peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/coronavirus-home-prep-deep-pantry-gardening-megathread-for-january-2020/。

  1. Chris, I'm not sure but that the popping of one bubble hasn't just created another. With the incredible amounts of Monopoly money already announced, and more to come, the incredible strength of the US Dollar in recent days can't be sustained. If interest rates go negative, and I can get paid to borrow, just give me as much money as you want. It's not going to be worth much, anyway.

  2. Can you upload the audio of all your videos to podcast form moving forward? Would love to be able to work on something else and listen at the same time!

  3. You said the Switzerland leadership must be thinking like a flat earthier I think it is flat cos it』s against physics to think you can build a skyscraper sticking out the side of a ball and against logic. And that water and heavy things can stay on the bottom of a spinning ball but still move freely there』s no common sense to it. So I don』t think lock down for cronavirius good it』ll destroy the economy especially for the small man should have just locked down the old an vulnerable and kept the economy going as normal the majority of people is going to get it and will be fine mostly with mild symptoms it』s a test run for future draconian measures

  4. From Honduras: hate myself for not preparing on time when 1st case was in Mexico because I knew it would only take a month to get here and it did! I only bought food for a month and this week we are in quarintine and I don't have a washer or clean clothes. Gov here is corrupt and rumour is it's more than a 1,000 infected but only reporting 6.

  5. One of the things you have pointed out is the bad messaging we have been getting on masks. Another poster wondered if we could do a diy mask out of our hepa vacuum bags. I looked into it, and the fabric has the same filtering capability as the n95. Even the n95 won't technically stop coronavirus, but an article I read said the virus is usually riding on some kind of moisture (sputum), and the mask will catch it. It's better than nothing, according to the article. If you fit your mask properly and use proper technique handling it, you should get a better result than going barefaced in the presence of sick people. I happen to have some extra bags from my old vacuum, a sewing kit, and plenty of free time, so it's a project!

  6. The next step coming before a total lockdown is police busting parties and bootleg bars and restaurants that are staying open. The health education message about novel coronavirus hasn't been good concerning young people. They have misinterpreted information about the young being less likely to die from coronavirus as meaning they can't get it, or that it will be like a cold. Not true – reports from France and elsewhere indicate the young can still get this and be seriously ill from it, or even die. There is no immunity to it, other than getting it and recovering. Simple memes are better than complex information in getting through to people. Take it seriously, or the kid gloves may come off from the government.

  7. The alternative view is this one. Here is a plan, put forward in 2010 by the Rockefeller foundation to extend the control and monitoring of citizens gained after 2001 by releasing a 'pandemic', introducing laws (particularly curfews and quarantines) and systems and keeping them in place after it blows over.


    Here is a guy talking about it in 2014.

  8. I am more convinced than ever this whole thing has been engineered. Basically most of the world population are now under what I would call house arrest. The world populations psychology has been changed overnight by the media scaremongering. Surely and rationally thinking rather than crashing global economies, keeping people captive in their houses and destroying businesses and throwing people into negative equity on their houses and into debt it would be much more rational to protect the "at risk groups" and place an iron curtain around them.
    I think this is being done to create a new paradigm to the world economy. After this has run its course there will be no small business, no competition for supermarkets, airlines etc. I think everything will become centralized under state control. One supermarket for all, one airline for all. Basically a state controlled monopoly on everything. There will be no cash money only a digital currency fully controlled by state. In short a completely Orwellian dystopia managed at state level. The virus is real the dystopia is too. Still there is little than can be done when mass psychology is used as a means of control against the people.

  9. This is China declaring WW3 and they are winning. They spread this on purpose in order to paralyze economies and countries and its working very well indeed.

  10. The Jerusalem Post is reporting Israel is claiming they could have a vaccine in as soon as 90 days. Is that fake news? I trust no one at this point.

  11. Assume everyone is asymptomatic:

    – coughing, exhalation and speaking spreads covid

    – keep children at home (they are the greatest hidden spreaders of covid 19; they may have it but are not affected)

    – incubation period 2-4 weeks, possibly up to 3 months (not just 2 weeks)

    – lives on objects for 24 hrs. or more (depending on conditions)
    – pets can be carriers

  12. I think this sums it up pretty well, wish we saw this coverage on U.S. major news sites, "WION News channel" on youtube https://youtu.be/kN08StvCWgU Not a promotion or endorsement of their channel but I felt it was outlined well. Also thanks for the USEFUL information you have been providing us, much appreciated.

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