BfA 8.2.5最佳近戰DPS *排名*(突襲&M +)|最受歡迎的規格和補丁8.3類更改-WOW

《魔獸世界》補丁8.2.5艾澤拉斯之戰(BfA)最佳近戰DPS等級PvE排名視頻,內容涉及raid和m +內容。該視頻使用真實的播放器信息和數據來分析和排名最可行的近戰DPS類。我還將研究補丁8.3的類更改,以及它如何影響DPS平衡。


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神話Orgozoa Havoc DH PoV:
伏特加vs神話艾薩拉(弗羅斯特DK PoV):
Ashvane Mythic夫人(WW Monk PoV):
方法EU與方法NA | MDI夏季杯: = DTTUEtHo7ls


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  1. First, I want to say that I'm playing as a Fury Warrior, not because is a good class (some people told me Fury is (very) good), I'm playing because it looks very fun and I really enjoy it. That's it! That's the meaing of the game. Play whatever makes you happy.
    P.S. I wrote this comment before I was watching the video. So whoever will be the "meta"… fuck them off!

  2. I genuinely would like an answer to this question. How far do you delve into each class when testing their damage in a raid environment? For example let's say you do a total testing of 40 raid clears, and 250 mythic+ was each spec represented equally?

  3. Used to Main ret pally forever, just getting back into wow for raids and pvp. Not sure if I should go death knight or warrior, looking to switch it up

  4. Hi bud I'm disabled with bad hand control and I play tank Demon Hunter because I can push a button and you suck health orbs in to you. But I prefer DPS Demon Hunter is there a way to push a button and you suck health orbs in to you like tank?

  5. I main an outlaw rogue and hate it. I want something else to take the reins. It's nice getting invited to stuff all of the time but it gets old compete ting with the other outlaw rogue they invited too.

  6. As long as breath of sindragosa is mandatory, I will not touch my frost dk a single time. It's one of the most disgusting playstyles, the DK was EVER confronted with.

  7. Feral still has a special place in my heart, but I joined the dark side and went with a DH since 8.1. It's incredible how much more you can do (compared to a feral) on top of having the most basic rotation.

    Feral, compared to DH, is like doing 5 times the work for 60-80% of the gain and if you screw up, you drop everything on the floor.

  8. Without a doubt I believe Ret pallies need a buff. The damage we do compared to warriors and demon hunters is laughable at best. Idk how blizzard doesn't see that and don't buff ret pallies.

    Crusader strike could use a dmg buff OR a cooldown reduction

    Templars vardict can get a SLIGHT damage increase and if not, it can stay the same.

    Judgement needs a damage increase

    Divine storm can stay the same

    Wake of ashes needs either a damage increase OR reduce the cooldown of it.( I think it being 45 seconds is way to long. 30 seconds would be better)

    Blade of justice could use a damage increase or a lower cooldown.

    Just my opinion on this matter

  9. Meta will be still the same :P.Outlaw rogue and DH is great for big pulls and i think there will be a big pulls in new affix.For example, we doing key normaly, with build in skips, and in some point we will be need additional % there will be a big pulls, where classes who have good kit for doing massive pull dmg, will be favorite.Mayby class like Arms warrior, unholy will be more using in M+ runs.There was a dedcted affix for big pulls (ripping) but i don't play bfa in this patch.

  10. the only thing dh in any spec has going for it is they look cool and have a 2 button action bar you're talking like 5% magic damage is better than battleshout"10% ap". rogues are just shitter, and softer arms warriors they're only used to skip trash mobs (just buy an invis pot and they become useless) no one ever talks about how good battleshout/rally/warrior mobility is for raiding plus their aoe damage is cleave so you can literally keep the same single target dps on the boss x 3 for ad phases

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