PS5 vs Xbox Series X-真相大白! |技術專家

PS5可以擊敗Xbox Series X嗎?索尼和微軟已經公布了即將推出的Playstation 5(PS5)和Xbox Xbox X(XSX)的完整規格-但是哪個是功能最強大的遊戲機? (提示:它比看起來要複雜!)

感謝Digital Foundry,Austin Evans,Sony和Microsoft使用它們的鏡頭。

#PS5 #XboxSeriesX#遊戲#Playstation5 #XSX

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  1. Yo why people saying that the consoles have technology that isn't available on PC's yet we have RDNA graphics cards and PCI Express 4.0 too? So I don't get how they could say that they literally just caught up to what PCS have been having

  2. I can tell, a lot of y'all don't know nothing about technical specifications like y'all think y'all do. or y'all just damage control for Sony I don't know which one is it, I'm pretty sure it's the latter.

  3. the xbox has dedicated rtx chips…..that will be the game changer…this means not only a little bit faster. The PS5 has to share cpu power for it, the xbox not.

  4. I'm getting both anyways and to me the XBOX IS WAY BETTER IN EVERY WAY…….. PS5 ISNT GUNNA BE 3.5gh lol it can get upto but u wont!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Its not speculation… the series x is more powerful, and packs smart as hell tech. Like using the ssd as additional super fast ram. so not only does series x have faster ram when added together, it has the additional ssd ram.

  6. They won't be massively different….the extra storage in the PS5 will be a seller…. as will an optical output, IF it has one !

  7. The X will have better performance and substantially more powerful. It』s obvious. I』m worried with the heat on the 5 and the drops ect. Little worried Quit sayin ya bit more powerful. It』s not really close the 5 is maxed out at 10+ TF it will drop just watch.

  8. I find it hilarious that people are caught up on Tflops – Yet fully forgot what Sony's studios deliver on JUST 1.8 Tfps. vs 6 Tflps that was on MS best console this past gen. So please tell me.. what Xbox game that rivaled ( Spider-Man, Last of Us, God of war, Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn etc ) Until Microsoft start showing some serious Top Notch AAA games nobody will give a shit for this 12 Tflp which is indeed a high power console.

  9. wait 2-3 years xbox gonna release a new version of the series X with just as fast or faster SSD than ps5 and also the exclusive games will be utilizing more of the consoles power by then.

  10. It's amazing to me to see how many ps fanboys thought a fully funded Microsoft will not be able to compete lmao. It's like they thought Sony will ride next gen easily SMH. Now reality is setting in and they are damage controlling hard.

  11. I want Powerful Console.. Xbox Series X..
    And there are lot of games I can play in Xbox Series X… Exclusive doesn't matter…there are lot of better games are available than exclusive..And I know The Awesome Gaming Experience In Xbox One X..And the Same Xbox Series X..

  12. Every drop I buy both. Kept my ps3 and xbox360(both amazing consoles for their time) sold my Xbox one for $50 to a friend(who sold it shortly after) about two months after drop because it was absolutely garbage. There is a reason PS4 has more exclusives. It』s because Sony listens to their devs and is in general a superior console. Xbox fans about to hit me with the 「BiGeR nUmBeR mEaNs BiGeR pOwEr」

  13. Both are very powerful and remember as much as the PC master race don』t like to admit it consoles do more with the power, low level APIs, optimisation these consoles will BOTH be beasts! ? personally it』s exclusives that sell me, 3rd party games will be similar there』s nothing really in it but the exclusives:) they are the system sellers, my point is power is very high on both I wouldn』t buy on power alone

  14. I have the PS 2, 3 and 4, no XBOX, but this time I am buying the XBOX. Very unhappy with how Sony is handling the next gen. I think the price for both will be similar, so obviously I am buying the most powerful console.

  15. Sony doesnt need to have the best specs in my opinion.
    Their great first party studios/exclusives always look and play incredible.
    Thats why I am going for Sony's platform once again.

  16. Look at this people bragging about raw spec numbers . Does Nintendo switch have to brag about numbers, they still sell more console than microsoft entire xbox lineup….

  17. The most exciting part about the PS5 is the storage just let that sink in for a moment… what about when it』s full you gonna have to be swapping games about left right and centre to play

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