5G巨大的健康危害-Barrie Trower博士和Julian Rose先生


特別感謝Renata Cyparska,JadwigaŁopata,朱利安·羅斯(Julian Rose)爵士或丹尼爾·奇奇(Daniel Cichy)先生使這次採訪成為可能。


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非常感謝 :) 。

  1. We would not need microwave signals if IR signals are used instead. I like what he said about the afterlife at the end, as it is rather fitting. Good to know that people that cause suffering will have suffering until they realize their mistake and do what is right so they do not keep coming back.

  2. The only way to prevent this problem with cell phones being off and having them turned on remotely is to pull the battery or put it in a Faraday cage such as a metallic bag.

  3. This is not shocking beyond belief, as we are predicted to destroy ourselves in the Bible, Quran, Vedas, and even other beings on other planets. Leonard Nimoy put it there goes the neighborhood, and that is based on what he had access to.

  4. This will mean the end of life for humanity, and this means the elites of the world will feel this just as everyone else. The bees are important for us as well. We can easily replace the wifi with IR and have far less problems. The most profit is to help people and make them the most productive, as the more people are sick the more that it will reduce profits in the long run potentially to only losses.

  5. Corona virus is full of shit , I guarantee you this is what』s killing the people in wuhan! The people in wuhan have been eating wild animals for years and the virus hasn』t occurred back then! But as soon as they upgraded the hz on the 5g towers every tower in wuhan near people they started having seizures

  6. Need help with my daughters poor health. Can 5G cause D3 deficiency? She』s dangerously low and been sick for the last month since 5G rolled out in 3 surrounding towns to us.

  7. My only problem with this is that is is hearsay unless he is willing to publish actual evidence. I'm not dismissing what he says as it is coherent, but I feel it is easy to pass him off as a crank because he doesn't show anything.

  8. Its started then. Everything what he is saying is happening. Trees being burned down in Amazon & Australia. As I write this China, South Korea, Italy and Iran have all been hit hardest with 'corona virus' with symptoms that sound just like effects of 5G.

  9. Extraordinary interview. Still, I can't shake the feeling that he's telling half truths. The big red flag(s) for me is when he talks about what life will be like 30, 40, 50 years down the line. At the current rate of 5G activation, and with the ongoing geoengineering operations, etc…there will be no biological life left on the planet by 2030 or sooner…at least not biological life in the form we currently know it.

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