BfA 8.2.5最佳DPS *排名*(突襲和M +)|補丁8.3類更改和最受歡迎規格-WoW

魔獸世界補丁8.2.5艾澤拉斯之戰(BfA)最佳RPS DPS等級PvE排名視頻,用於突襲和M +內容。該視頻使用真實的播放器信息和數據來分析和排名最可行的遠程DPS類。我還將研究補丁8.3的類更改,以及它如何影響DPS平衡。


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  1. I've mained balance for the last few years. I was disappointed with Ele this expansion and in looking for another class to focus on ranged DPS and I don't really know what'll be worth committing to. Any ideas?

  2. I main BM hunter, I'm not playing top tier content (just 3/8M EP and mostly 10-14 M+). From my experience in HC (and 3/8M) raid as BM hunter I can be on top and I'm "requested", but for M+ they just don't want me if the affixes are not skittish and tyrannical.

  3. Blizzard fuck warlocks the whole bfa expansion giving only half spec on each of them, they only can raid. Every time i apply to a key i only get rejected. Fuck you blizzard

  4. As a balance Druid main playing for 10 years, I have to say it』s nice to be on top for a change, especially since I consider myself a hybrid utility class

  5. 04:27 yeah right Blizzard ..
    Affliction is trash in terms of AoE-damage (which isn't logical at all–> mutiple dots) but instead of buffing our AoE spells, let's just nerf our single target burst …

    nobody wants to play with me in M+!? i don't want to change specs so

    i always loved Affli .. bfa just sucks

  6. It's funny how you should feel about playing a specific spec compared to minority of the player base, HC players. My main is a demo lock, can compete with any class (incl. melee) in 10+ keys with no intentions going 20+ keys. Have good utility and survivability. A more well rounded class than most. Didn't touch my shadow priest after a few +keys because it's simply not as much fun. Play what you enjoy playing.

  7. Warlock only invited on bursting weeks ;D warlock either you play destro or demo and demo does not have a interrupt. Aoe stun but compared to cc utility on melees its bad. Rather get a Unholy Dk than a Demonology Warlock. This is from a main Warlock. And there are only two dungeons for warlocks that work well with their utility. That is Shrine and Freehold. For others too much movement required.

  8. I've been playing Destro lock to Mythic plus, and it takes a lot to go right for the damage to go right. There's an awkward spot between 2-5 targets where rain of fire, even with havoc active, doesn't do more than the epic two target cleave that makes us strong in raid. Using vision of perfection major has been a fantastic way to smooth out the cooldown glut the class had in previous patches, and the increase in spawn rate of that is very very welcome. The infernal it drops down deals a lot of aoe, but I'm crossing my fingers on each pull. I think the utility is good, especially in weeks like grevious where a lock cookie is an easy way to be topped off.

  9. I main Demo and Affli.I think this issue can be solved pretty easily. Just make Felguard's Axe Toss an interrupt besides stun and Demo will be in much more better spot. In M+, I don't fall behind against other DPS classes that much. But I can see the difference between 8.1 and 8.2. In 8.1, after the EP nerfs, Demo was still in better spot than now. Still, I dont mind some EP buffs, I guess. I like the complexity that Demo has and this is why people don't play Demo that much. Also, it feels really frustrating when you are doing your really complex rotation and other specs with much more simple rotations get ahead on you on dps charts. I like having that juicy tyrants and satisfying Implosions but if you are designing a spec that really has a punishing rotation when you fail (Talking about imp counts on Demonic Consumption talent and Implosion and also the Demonic Core procs), then you need a higher reward. . We only need an interrupt and some small adjustments, that is all.

    For the Affliction part, recent nerfs seem really promising. Drain Soul buffs look really good and it will help us a lot with Shadow's Embrace talent. Thanks to DS, our 90 row will be much more competitive. With SE, Affli's sustain damage will be really high on Fortified weeks but I really don't think it will change much when it comes to burst damage. We still lack the burst AOE. Vile Taint sucks, Seed of Corruption sucks. Phantom Singularity has a long cooldown. A SOC or Vile Taint buff might really come handy and it probably wouldn't break the Warlocks on raid side, because you would go PS most of the time on single target.

    And the Destro, I really don't like that spec. It really seems so simple and easy against the other two specs. But I can live with that. The main problem destro has is their talent tree is a joke. You only have one build (Affli had same kind of problem (besides the 30 row) but I think it will be solved with recent updates). Also, it is really a CD dependent spec and 3-min cd is not a good thing in M+ environment. Maybe they can make the Infernal a 2-min CD but it would break the raid environment, of course. Destro locks need some Channel Demonfire buffs and also Rain of Fire buffs as well.

  10. I have a 442 Affl 441 Destro lock. They are weak in dungeons because of the ramp up time for cleave or aoe. Both have one major 30-45 second cd you have to wait on to do any major dps in big trash pulls.

    Affliction has a ramp up time on dots and damage so you are stuck waiting for Phantom Singularity(45 second CD)to have any burst cleave. If and only if the adds are going to live longer would affl be worth it but the multi dotting is still just ok. If trash pulls were 2-3 targets at a time then Affl would be king of the M+ scene.

    Now Destro! Here you have one aoe…Cataclysm(30 second CD). Rain of fire is too weak to bother with when it』s total damage output, even if you somehow squeeze 10+ adds into its ridiculously small circumference, can be covered by 2 chaos bolts. So we are left to wait on the cleave power of Havoc(Another 30 Sec CD only lasting 10 seconds).

    So the issue here with warlocks is the CD timers on any multi targeting. Most trash pulls take about a minute to clear. So with CDs every 30-45 seconds, that only last for 10 seconds, you have a low aoe total uptime and you are left to manually do your own cleave on trash pulls.

    Lastly there is no option for an aoe build, aka something to where you would take a hit on your single target damage output but really juice up the aoe damage. By comparison, WW monk, Outlaw rogue, Firemage and Balance Druid all have BOTH an aoe build and automatic aoe spread.

    Always happy to help and offer information 🙂 I love being master of demons and always will!

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