冠狀病毒:它揭示了什麼? |羅素品牌



在這裡收聽我的每周The Under The Skin播客:

在此處獲取我的書「 Recovery」:https://amzn.to/2R7c810
在此處獲取我的書「 Mentors」(並作為有聲讀物!):https://amzn.to/2t0Zu9U


由Jenny May Finn(Instagram:@jennymayfinn)製作。

  1. Learn to put your thoughts into words ON PAPER. A little introspection is a good thing. Find out what life can be like away from the limelight. If you're in Australia, for god's sake, don't miss out on all that natural beauty all around you!

  2. what about the rich and powerful people of this world, i mean why did trump, implement a government strategy that was designed to be used in the case of nuclear war, when less than 150 people had the virus in the u.s, do they know something we don't?.

  3. Hello wanker, how ya doing dip stick. So your a slow learner are you , but your fucking quick to spout shit every where. Your interested are you will I am interested that you stop talking. wanker.

  4. Social distancing! Man! I was walking to the grocery store and I dropped a glove on the sidewalk. A gentleman walking towards me on said sidewalk paused for a second a few feet from me and pointed out the dropped glove. I thanked him retrieved my glove and moved on. A second man shouted at me saying I wasn't social distancing!? I choose not to respond. Then, I see him walk further down the street, joins a second man and they walk together side by side! Hyprocrite!!!

  5. very low informational weight in this waffle. Russell, if you want to stop being an addict I suggest you get in touch and let me lead you through an entheogenic ego death. That will end this trauma that traps you. The offer is there.

  6. Thank you for this. I needed to hear this. You are awesome! We ARE all in this together. Much love and light to you and yours from Pensacola, FL!

  7. I appreciate the philosophy during this time of chaos. ?‍♂️ The collective unconscious of the world is going to be interesting as fear and panic amplify various archetypes — The Wise Old Man?, The Great Mother?‍?, The Trixster?‍♀️, The Shadow?‍♀️, and more. In the news we're seeing authority figures play these parts influencing our perception of reality.

  8. Don't eat bats xxx Just leave them alone. Very informative I liked the classification of structures. Looking at the situation globally and individually . Survival strategies for us all , personal wholistic reflection. Is their a calling I am not addressing? could this readdress the actions of a karmic wrong deed?. Like you say rather than nicking all the toilet rolls, lets contemplate our personal, local or global contribution to this challenge we are all experiencing this together.xxx

  9. I used to love your channel, but you sold us down the river, the trews was a fantastic resource, where we were able to challenge the media, put a truth over their crap, and now you are a new age guru… nothing makes sense and I don't know why I'm here :/

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