

《 10天》是由奧爾莫·父母(Olmo Parenti)導演的。它是《大西洋精選》(The Atlantic Selects)的一部分,該精選精選的在線紀錄片在線展覽由《大西洋》策劃,在線展示。


  1. I can』t stay at home.
    I am a teacher who still has to show up to work Monday』s to Friday』s.
    I』m out all day on Saturdays because it takes me visits to multiple shops and supermarkets to finally find even basic supplies.
    I』ve been buying two toilet paper rolls at a time because I can』t buy all 24 in a pack anywhere.
    So tell me exactly what I can do to even have the luxury to stay at home?

  2. Yes I am scared I have two lovely grandchildren and I won't be able to be with them for months It breaks my hart.My wife is disabled and we are both 70.What a nightmare we got into like a bad movie.

  3. Did you know that you will still get the virus eventually. They are only trying to reduce the number effected at the same time so it doesn't tax our hospitals. Even their graph shows we will all likely get it.

    My thoughts are you are going to come in contact with it. Stay healthy to help fight it when it happens, and it will not be as bad, and most will survive. Bad immune systems compromised by toxic bodies will likely not make it.

  4. It』s biblical god was sending us all the signs to repent and humans kept pushing so god spared the children due to their suffering abuse, invest, kidnapping, smuggling now every person who has taken a child』s innocence will pay. Then we have politics who play gods therebis no bigger king but our lord . Pray even after all this is over the consequences will be worst. Sexual attractions all material things money being self center isolating kids from each other because of race kids bullying this comes at a time where all schools are close now kids won』t be bully isolated or treated different because they are not cool now all the bad kids will suffer due too bad parenting parents who don』t believe in god all your pride will be washed down in ashes. Is time to suffer and find your corner with god. God is your only hope and saying that your sorry to those you have hurt is your biggest hope. No medicine will cure this desease that all bad humans carry due to their behavior. Only sadness and now everyone isolated will se the darkness that god says in he』s bible.

  5. So if a mask is only for the sick, why are healthy doctors and nurses wearing them? Are they going to work sick? This train of thought is so illogical.

  6. An introverts paradise! I'm taking all precautions very seriously. Not hoarding, just doing the usual grocery shopping. Why panic, just stay calm and do the right thing and listen to the officials, and enjoy the outdoors.

  7. Typical video pushing liberal socialist policies. What more do you expect from the Internet. Dear Italy, you』re open boarder socialist policies got you where you are. No thanks ! I love your pasta but don』t want your bullshit politics.

  8. Be kind to everyone. You're not the only person in this world, please be considerate. The people who are going outside acting like it's nothing and NOT social distancing are making me super angry. I'm a ball of stress and anxiety as I'm staying inside, but my mother HAS to work because she takes care of people and there is an outbreak of "influenza-like virus" on her floor. I'm very worried… Please stay at home.

  9. All in lockdown and getting all their information from the 'Tell lie vision', all being 'programmed' just like they did with us all in regards to the moon landings, 9/11 etc. I know the above is from Italy but President Nixon once said 'the american people don't believe anything till they have seen it on TV', and i guess that today is more prevalent around the western world than ever before and when you own the media you control what people think. Welcome to the NWO

  10. Exactly! In Spain we didnt saw what our neighbours in Italy were facing and now we are the exact same as they are. Stay home and the quarentine will Be shorter!!!!

  11. My wife and her family are not taking this seriously. She is Chinese-American. (I am in the States.) She and her family members keep going in and out of the house everyday like nothing is wrong, traveling all over the city, going shopping, and then visiting their 90+ year old father who is a smoker. I don't get it.

  12. There were comments on Corona virus when it first came out,they were rude jokes and brush off jokes. I told many of these people this would be no joking matter and they should respect the people going through this, of course I got slammed and belittled by many over and over. I warned them it would be on their backdoor, they didn't care they said. Now I went back to those comments and asked if they think it's still funny,only one said they didn't care, the rest have been silent.

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