查德·孟·譚(Chade-Meng Tan):「深入內心」 Google會談

在Google的一門熱門課程中,早期的Google工程師和個人成長先驅Chade-Meng Tan(Meng)在設計「內部搜索」時,已將情商提煉為一套實用且經過驗證的工具和技能,任何人都可以學習和發展。該程序是由Zen大師,CEO,斯坦福大學的科學家和Daniel Goleman(從字面上寫關於情商的書的人)共同創建的,該程序以科學為基礎,並且以一種懷疑,強迫性地務實的方式表達。像孟氏這樣的以工程為導向的大腦可以加工。

內在搜索揭示了如何使需求平靜,使之恢復自然的幸福狀態,加深自我意識,從而增強自信,將同情心和同情心轉變為傑出的領導者,並建立基於信任的高效合作和透明的溝通。換句話說,「搜索內在」向您展示了如何在工作成功的同時增加內在的快樂。孟寫道:「有些人買書來教他們被喜歡;其他人買書來教他們成功。這本書教你們倆。你真幸運。」 。

  1. Love spiritual theme… "The more we search for ourselves, the less likely we are to find ourselves; and the more we search for God, and to serve our fellow-men, the more profoundly will we become acquainted with ourselves, and the more inwardly assured. This is one of the great spiritual laws of life." ~ Baha'i Faith

  2. i started meditating 1 year ago with 10 minutes per day and now i am at 30 minutes a day (morning) and i can complete agree with chade-meng. the thing really works. 🙂 i combined it with a little bit of cardio training. i am 42 now and i am in the best shape since i am alive and i feel so good. great thing! 🙂

  3. What characteristics did you use to define effective managers? In my experience, there is a culture of leadership, in which 「leaders」 use fear to motivate productivity (rather than genuine friendship, let alone, genuine empathy).

  4. Such an excellent, stimulating talk by the amazing Chade-Meng Tan (Meng). If you view one video this year, make it this one! SIY – Search Inside Yourself is a valuable resource with the potential to benefit everyone.

  5. This is a wonderful video and one can try the principles at home on your own, but sadly when going on the website to see about siyli workshops…They are astronomically priced. It won't bring world peace if only the rich can afford to actually learn this.

  6. How inspirational speech it is! I am really looking forward to trying out those meditation techniques to achieve mindfulness! I do hope that we will one day achieve world's peace!

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