PS5 vs Xbox Series X-規格比較!

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  1. I』m kinda excited for the XBox 1X
    I』m in my mature late 30s now and my younger brother who is in his mid 20s now ~ has been showing me new generation gaming and I』m into this
    But I』m no gamer ?

  2. At the end of the day multi-platform games will look and perform better on Xbox Series X. The PS5's hard drive will offer some great advantages, but it won't help to provide higher resolutions, better textures, better lighting, or high frame rates. Gamers should expect a difference similar between the Xbox One X and the PS4 Pro.

  3. I』m still gonna buy the PlayStation, the exclusives are better and the graphics are still gonna be good. No point in buying the series x as if u want better graphics or if graphics matter that much just buy a PC

  4. That poor overclocked ps5 cpu and gpu is gonna be so hot I』ve already lost hearing from the other ps4 but I』m wondering if my gtr can keep up with the ps5 noise

  5. I』ve been with PlayStation for years but looking at the specs all I see is that the ps5 is weaker, has less storage 825GB but it』ll probably be 700-600 because of the os, it』ll have worse graphics and only has 100 backwards compatible games and you』ve gotta own ps now to play ps1-2-3 games on it I』m probably gonna switch to Xbox

  6. PS5
    Cerny said up to 10% variable frequency 2GHz – 2.23GHz

    2304 cores (64 x 36CU)

    2304 x 2GHz x 2 = 9,216 GFLOPs or 9.216 TFLOPs min

    2304 x 2.23 x 2 = 10,275 GFLOPs or 10.275 TFLOPs max


    3328 cores (64 x 52CU)

    3328 x 1.825GHz x 2 = 12,147 GFLOPs or 12.147 TFLOPs constant

    12.147 ÷ 9.216 = 31.8% power advantage

    12.147 ÷ 10.275 = 18.2% power advantage

    Assuming some other variables we will +/- 3.2% (just to rounds things off nice)

    So 15% – 35% power difference in games realistically I'm saying 15- 30% difference

    Remember ppl same GPU architecture does make TFLOPs somewhat relevant. If they were different than TFLOP's would mean nothing

    Also yes SSD speeds are important but difference between sata 3 ssd (0.5 GBPS and nvme ssd (2.0 GBPS) are small (few seconds) and I expect the difference in load times between a 2.4 GBPS ssd and a 5.5 GBPS ssd to be even smaller

    Also I believe Microsoft is being conservative on clocks to keep this thing quiet I'm sure Microsoft could push an update and have this thing running at 1.9 – 2GHz easily making TFLOPs go up to 12.6 – 13.3. (Microsoft has done that before on Xbox one to get cpu clocks up from 1.6ghz to 1.75 GHz) Sony meanwhile has this thing clocked to the limit

  7. People are not understanding this, that ssd will have xbox crushed man, everyone is confusing pc gaming with console gaming… two totally diff things. for example ur computer uses ram more for loading memory and graphical detail. on a console its the ssd that does most the job. so 5.5 gigs a second for sony and 2.4 for xbox now, sony is twice as fast here. the gpu has a faster clock speed too, at boost of 2.2 and xbox 1.8 just less computing units and not by much.. xbox at 52 sony at 36.

    think about that… sony will run less computing units faster and xbox will run more computing units slower and has a slower ssd by 50 %. Sony takes the win for me. it will have less cooling problems, quiet fan noise more likely, it will load up and upload graphical details faster then the xbox, it has better games, it will feature 3d audio, the controler will be upgraded with new features.

    xbox might cost more, sony will crush xbox in sales once again. good win for sony as always.

    I do think however that both consoles should of went for max output in all departments regardless of price and cost. why ? because every 12 year old today walks around with a 1200 dollar iPhone in their pocket.

    they should of maxed it all out and put a price tag of 999 on it. everyone would of got them anyway.

  8. you were biased in your video twice so i turned it off. first u didn't mention the 12 teraflops on the xbox, and 2nd you didn't mention the 1 terabyte on the xbox. but u mentioned sony's 10.8 teraflops and there 825 gbs. so i guess you wearing that sony jacket did make a difference. just be honest bro your biased

  9. When are people gonna learn that developers are not gonna fully utilise the power differences between the 2? If games are being developed for both they』re gonna be pretty much the same quality. And in the end the games is what it is all about.

  10. Salute salute sony sony… I really don't what to say… Feel like they are running catch up to be relivent.. Xbox well all I can say is Wow even the design look future realist

  11. no point in console wars, for me its just about enjoying the best of both worlds. But i have to say, ps4 and ps4 pro have the best exclusive games as of now.

  12. Tbh I feel like the ps5 10 teraflops are more than enough and the ps5's faster ssd speeds will actually make if feel faster and therefore more powerful

  13. Damn the Xbox really destroys the ps5. The 10 tflops is with overclocked specs. Normal it will be round the 9. Difference almost 3 and then its other technology so it counts almost dubbel. So al whole Xbox one x power difference

  14. 8k 30fps is not future proof, that's hardly playable lol 4k 60fps is not great to look at either when all texture quality and such are dialed back. Save your money, buy a good PC.. I switched to PC gaming a year ago and haven't touched my consoles since lol

  15. I've been a PlayStation guy for about 15 years so I'm excited for the PS5, but it does seem like the X-Box will finally be good and finally better than PS

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