Try Guys冠狀病毒頻道更新

我們提供了有關在家中工作的快速更新,以幫助對抗冠狀病毒的傳播。 +我們的Try Guy從家庭Vlog開始工作的開始!如果您能夠找到以下有關COVID-19的信息,請與我們練習社交疏散:


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#TryGuys是2ND TRY,LLC的旗艦頻道。每周兩次收看兩個節目,分別是The Try Guys的創建者和明星Keith,Ned,Zach和Eugene的節目。





官方Try Guys圖片

2nd Try,LLC工作人員
執行製片人-Zach Kornfeld
製片人-Nick Rufca
編輯-Devlin McCluskey
編輯-Elliot Dickerhoof
助理編輯-Will Witwer
相機操作員-Miles Bonsignore
助理生產協調員-Sam Johnson
內容策略師-凱琳·伯克(Kaylin Burke)


感謝我們所有的金牌贊助人! AJ S.,Amy Fleming,Ana Camba,Cat Hicks,Elisa Proust,Emma Godfrey,Erica Rao,Jared Aarons,Kelsey Bock,Kourtney Wong,Loretta Wen,Matthew Tadros,Miha,Paulus,Sarah Waxman,Traci Lew,Wendy Tran,莉莉

  1. I love you guys and I respect that you're staying safe but I'm on the side of everyone is over reacting about corona but yes Zack should stay as safe as possible because he is actually at risk

  2. when you have asthma n such but people stillness their tacos from Taco Bell so you have to work during lockdown… stay safe guys

  3. I'm a nurse and thank you for making this video! I think it's great you're using your platform to reach your followers! I feel things are getting worse before they get better and I know that listening to the CDC is going to help. You guys are using your influence for the better <3

  4. And they say Eugene doesn't smile…while he is at home doing his cleaning porn he's smiling!! LMAO Add liquor and he'll smile more! LOL

  5. Every thing should have been on the table so it would be easy to see. Soap and hot water works just as well! A bottle of soapy water to wash then a bottle of warm water to rinse the but. Dry off with old towels, sheets, t-shirts…take a shower. WHAT DID PEOPLE DO BEFORE toilet paper and hand sanitizer was invented!

  6. Sending shout outs to everyone who can't stay home for 2 weeks and have to keep working due lack of funds to pay bills.

    Sending shout outs to those who ARE working still to keep production of food, Medical, Emergency, Production lines (Ones who are still working hard to get all those antibacterial and Sanitizers and masks, out as fast as they can to the people)/Truck drivers, and a special hug to those who are working the stores to keep open for the people to get by while supplies still remain short.

    Shout out to those who are infected or have/know someone infected or have passed away because of this Virus.

    Shout out to all those who just got laid off indefinitely.

    Special shout out to ALL couriers who are working 12 hour shifts to deal with the influx of online orders……from my mail man to Amazon workers in bringing items to peoples doors to keep them entertained.

  7. This is exactly what I need!! It』s so stressful and uncertain at the moment but being able to have some happiness within it all through your channel is so nice!

  8. The try guys casual.y close the business being safe and all while Australian government school just chilling being like oh by the way stay 2 meters away from each other even though that』s physically not possible anywhere…

  9. I have a 4 1/2 month old and every time I go to get wet wipes or diapers since we have been slowly stocking up to stay in the house for a while I get nasty looks and I』ve had people yell at me over getting wet wipes saying that people without kids shouldn』t buy wet wipes simply because I don』t bring him into the store with me which I find insane!!!!

  10. Please put that on a shirt Zack! I would buy the heck out of it!!! "We are gonna lose a lot of things, but the one thing we can't afford to lose is our humanity". I need this as a shirt

  11. Thank you for what you are doing. I live in Italy and, more specifically, in Bergamo, a small town in the north of Italy which has sadly become famous lately since it is the hardest hit city in this crisis. It is extremely hard and scary and we have no idea of when this is going to end or, at least, slow down. Hospitals are overwhelmed at the point that doctors have to choose who they can treat and hopefully save and who they cannot help. So, thank you, for spreading very important messages and thank you for spreading joy and making us laugh. We really need to stick together and support each other.

  12. A video idea for you guys is Yoga challenge with Arial/Ned, Becky/Keith or Zach/ Maggie. Rank king with Matt and Eugene would be fun!

  13. This is by far my favorite Try Guys video! I just found you guys a couple months ago and have devoured all of your content since. You guys are so inspiring and I appreciate how you're covering such a serious topic while also providing some well needed laughs and smiles! Thank you so much, you guys are awesome.

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