









1. Wi-Fi是對人類健康的重要威脅



  1. It』s real!! I just had a first hand experience and these waves are fucking us up!! Fucking up the whole biosphere!! Turn off the machine and all will be well with the people and the globe! ✌? check out the few videos I am making too to spread the knowledge. This is three of four: Shocking Corona Virus 5G Update!! https://youtu.be/Cmmy0b5kuvI

  2. I have been doing research on wireless technology and health since my wife figured out that she feels ill from cell phones. We discovered this fall that being in cities with 5G caused her to suffer violent migraines. At first we didn't understand what was going on until we learned about 5G and now we are avoiding it altogether. Some of the research concerning the effects of non-ionizing radiation is pretty shocking. How many people are suffering, like my wife was, without knowing what is really going on?

  3. Take activated charcoal. It can help eliminate metals and toxins from your body. We've all been absorbing 'smart dust' for years in preparation for the launch of 5G.
    Those with high amounts of metals in their systems are going to be more susceptible to the effects.

  4. Scottie <> oh and pet-Clitess, When 5G happens if you are in public you will be exposed to it like I was to asbestos ceiling tiles and lead paint as a kid in school, George Carlin once said the Earth will recycle us just like we recycle everything else. I served time in the Navy painting the ship I was stationed on with led paint because it does not allow rust to rust a still ship and the ship protects our country also the ship was filled with asbestos insulation which does not catch on fire if a bomb or rocket hits it. We in general as humans are DUMB yes I said DUMB we do whatever is easiest and most convenient, whatever makes us happy every day and feeds us, most people never leave their neighborhood in their lifetime. I have seen 3/4 quarters of the world and WOW what people don't really know! when I talk to them blows my mind, even in today's internet age. A Lot of what you are talking about WIFI is so similar to not using Suntan Lotion when on the beach I hope People listen.

  5. And now the coronavirus!!! Here we go. 130 thousand masts installed in wuhan weeks before the outbreak. Thousands installed in Milan and Northern Italy before their outbreak. Same in London and the UK. A connection or a coincidence?!! If a coincidence a very strange one. Thousands of these masts being put. Nobody is consulted. These things are just put up. And then people become ill. The current situation is truly terrifying. And our politicians just agree to them all being installed. Best of luck, buddy. Great broadcast. The irony, if you just so much as mention 5g and the risk to health most just look blankly at you. Think it's time to go to a desert island ?

  6. What is being missed here is that here is that the other thing 5G does is cause O2 or oxygen protons to to rotate at a speed that effects there ability to be absorbed by haemoglobin which is what transports oxygen to your muscles.
    This produces a shortness of breath.
    This is something that causes paralysis of the muscles.
    The Corona Virus is a myth that has been designed by human beings in the top 1% of the population that is being used as a cover to describe by the media to explain the effects of 5G.
    Do not get vaccinated if you catch this illness as it is just a method of making your body more prone to the effects.
    This is part of a form of science that is called Magnetobiology. The majority of doctors and scientists do not know of this analysis.
    Here is a link to the book that explains what Magnetobiology and you will see its price is very prohibitive to people being able to buy it??
    I wonder why and so should you??????

  7. Great info, thank you! I personally needed to heed the distinction between the "heating effect" and other types cell damage.
    may I please share some extra info with you sir that I only came across recently,
    Corona Virus Is 5G Wireless Technology, (see 4 vital points below)
    1- On October 29, 2018 DANA ASHLIE (an activist on Wireless Technology) on her eponymous Youtube Channel had DETAILED the harmful effects of Wireless Technology and even PREDICTED by saying 「You can be sure they』re going to call it pandemic and they』re going to provide everyone with a vaccine to 「cure」 you.」 SEE  IT HERE: https://youtu.be/F9bdU_uw2Dc?t=3765 – 『Wireless Warfare Exposed. Includes ways to protect your family.』 (@ 1:02:45 time mark).
    2-She also showed on September 23, 2019 findings from a 1970 NASA document (Influence of Microwave Radiation on the Organism of Man and Animals) that 「it』s going to aggravate infectious processes such as tuberculosis of the lungs」 Concidence? How? Well, another finding she says showed that 「The production of biotoxins in a mould culture WENT UP more than 600 times with exposure to RF (Radio Frequency) fields.」 CHECK IT ALL HERE: https://youtu.be/_cMIejs2UVM?t=2818 -『The real reason Five Gee exists…learn the tactics FOIL their plans』 from 46:59 time mark till 48:13. Remember, the so called 「novel corona virus 2019」 was only detected in China in December 2019 and China only rolled out 5G commercially in Nov 2019.
    3- Then read this official Chinese provincial government link on the first 5G pilot in China rolled out in WUHAN in 2018 with MILITARY APPLICATIONS- http://en.hubei.gov.cn/news/newslist/201804/t20180416_1275769.shtml  (if link doesn』t work then just type in search bar (not in Yotube) 「Hubei Government 5G Wuhan" and see for yourself.
    4- Does the following really seem like effects from a 「virus」?: https://youtu.be/ilfg-vz4mjI – 『Coronavirus: Cases Outside China Rise | NTDTV』. All coincidence? Theres nothing more transmittable than RF/electro-magnetic waves which are prevalent everywhere today in society; cellphones, ev cars, tv/laptop/smart screens, electronic gadgets/toys etc.

    We are living in deceitful times, therefore the faster we share important info as widely as possible, the better.

  8. i was told by a friend whos high up in t mobile that 5g tests have already made pple sick . he said picture having a flu and u cant think str8 and dont wanna move headache etc but continues .. a cia agent who is older told me that that is old technology . and its a weapon and it shouldnt be in a residental neighvorhood . this is military battlefield equip and its not green . its very expensive cuz it beams like 1000 xs a sec and its 10 watts to 10 volts when u open . mark steele and barrie trower did a vid together . barries older mark is 40s . they both r weapons experts and said this is uninsurable / its illegal / its going to kill everything / and since its 5 ghz to 83 they can turn it up and bam u fall out cuz u cant breathe . heart attack . create a riot . besides the fact it causs cancer / vatsaracts / disrupts o2 in your blood so u get very confused and migraines .. the t mobile friend said its only gonna be in cities .. woods r too tough ..

  9. Thank you for taking the time to do this. It is a real worry. I work in vibrational healing through, yoga sound, reiki and crystals. I work hard to help people to move back into balance. Now my work feels almost impossible. I am trying to raise awareness where I live and get people behind objecting. We shall see whether it is fruitful. X

  10. All that anti smoking nonsense everywhere but I have to be exposed to mobile radiation 24/7, nice hypocrisy there. I don't have a phone, I don't want a phone, I don't want to be exposed to other peoples BS.

  11. Oke, listen up people nothing what is happening at the moment would not be happening if it was not sanctioned by the 'ruling classes' (Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, etc, etc, etc). So now, I have a new hypothesis for why Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and New-Zealand are allowed to be flooded with turd-world barbarians and why we are being subjected to highly processed food, vaccines, PCB's, heavy metals and 5G microwave radiation. It could be a forced process of Natural Selection, to create a populace who is hardy enough to survive prolonged spaceflights to Mars and beyond. Spaceships and space are very unhealthy environments!

  12. I am not a lard-ass because I eat to much and exercise to little!
    It's the 5G microwave radiation which is making me fat!

  13. Thanks for sharing your information – I was just listening to Steve Ben De Noon who advised the same dangerous effects. Wake up we are in the Last days – this world's rulers are under Satan's control – and we are slowly loosing our freedom and being surveyed 24 hours a day – There is HOPE – Jesus Christ died and shed his blood for our sin – so that we can stand before a holy God covered by the blood of Christ – and live FOREVER in paradise – Why blaspheme his name? The name that brings salvation and redemption and eternal life

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