




[Playstation blog] 公開PlayStation 5的新詳細信息:硬體技術規格https://play.st/2w6XC4N
[Eurogamer] 在PlayStation 5中:提供Sony下一代願景的規格和技術https://bit.ly/390gxvh
[Bloomberg] 由於零件昂貴,索尼正努力爭取PlayStation 5的價格https://bloom.bg/2x9J6ZT。

  1. Why does everyone keep referring to is as 「the PS5 Reveal」?!?! That』s not what PlayStation called it. They said it was a Deep Dive with an Engineer… it』s your fault if you got hyped after reading that. You』re even more at fault if once you started watching and heard them say 「this was suppose to be our GDC presentation」 and thought i was gonna be anything but technical talk. You guys keep doing this to yourselves LOL give it a month the flashy reveal will happen, you know there might even be a YouTuber or an Influencer there to present it to you.

  2. Nothing about backwards compatibility? Me getting the ps5 depends on whether i can play my library of previous PS console games on it.

  3. This kinda hurt Sony a bit they're being destroyed. me as a ps fanboy seeing our 5 minutes of fame come to an end Xbox hitting everything on the head right now.

  4. dont look at the numbers they say, but the amount of compute units speaks for itself 36 is not that great and that's factual.
    a 5700 XT has 40… its barely better then a normal 5700 and its suppose to be a RDNA 2.0 chip pfft…….. this will do nothing but hold back developers… all we are looking at next gen is faster loading games with the same graphics as last gen running at a higher fps…

  5. Kuato does live…
    …his name is Pete Bootyfudge or something now and he's doing great. He's his own person now but he still spends much of his time inside another dude

  6. At 3:10 you say the Xbox X will only allow proprietary external drives that is incorrect, you can hook up your current external USB drive to the Xbox X, the proprietary drive is for storing games made specifically for Xbox X. Please do a proper review before you post your videos.

  7. Sony was desperate after learning of the 12tf x that they cranked up the clocks to push the system into overheat boost mode to hit 10tf. This 10tf will not be constant, they added a heart rate monitor specifically to check when sht is about to blow up so the system can cool down and run its native 9tf. Now they have to add more expensive cooling kicking the the ps5 price closer to the superior x price point of 500. Yes, this system is flustercluck

  8. Microsoft has 3-D audio right now in the xbox 1X lol playstation is so far behind Microsoft when it comes to technology and with these specs reveal it looks like next generation is going to be the same way

  9. What confuses me; is that the first thing they say is: this isn't a reveal, no gameplay, this is our GDC tech specs presentation. Then people complain about it being exactly what they said it would be ?

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