Google Maps 8-bit for NES


Google地圖現在可用於8位任天堂娛樂系統(NES)。 Google Store中的可用性為TBD,但您可以在瀏覽器中嘗試使用,方法是訪問並單擊地圖右上角的「任務」。也…

2012年愚人節快樂! 。

  1. To anyone thinking this was just an april fools video. I remember that on that day, if you went to Google Maps, there was a small symbol at the corner of the screen that would convert the map exactly like in this video.
    It has some minor bugs (namely, twisted roads would be rendered well in 8-bits) but it was fun. Too bad it only lasted 24 hours.

  2. YouTube: you think 8 years is long enough to wait before recommending to everyone? Me: but I don't even use google maps, or Dragon Quest.. Youtube: watch it goddamn it!! We didn't wait 8 years to recommend for nothing!!!

  3. This seems like it would of worked better and more efficiantly with the FamiCom DiskSystem and of finally had a reason for the mystery expansion port

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