Xbox Series X和PS5全面淘汰Xbox快速恢復| PlaySation 5 SSD-Xbox Two#123

Xbox Two Podcast又回來了,本周,這些傢伙將談論Xbox Series X規格和硬體,PS5規格以及Mark Cerny的深入探討等等!




Xbox Live: = Rand + al + Thor + 19
PSN ID:Rand_al_Thor19

  1. Just a big thank you to Rand and Jez for bringing this out. It's provided me some entertainment whilst I am home and keeps my mind off things going on for a few hours. Thank you gentlemen and keep up the great work

  2. I'll have all of my games saved on a regular 4tb external hard drive. And then I'll have an Xbox Series X proprietary 1tb external SSD card, where I'll have a handful of games on there that I'm playing at any given time. And then simply delete a game time to time on the 1tb SSD drive and bring it over from my 4 terabyte external hard drive. When I play a game I typically play it for a very long time so, I won't be having to delete and bring a game over that often. 1tb SSD should be plenty. I don't like to play games off the drive on the inside of the console simply because I don't want to wear that out so, I just play off the external hard or in the series X case, the external card.

  3. Funny enough, I recall a comment I made on one of Rand video about 2+ years ago saying my guess on the PS5 TFLOPs is between 8 and 10 TFLOPs max at 500$ max; 400$ for 8 TFLOPs, be it 450$ for 9 TFLOPs being really in line with most people thought of a suposed 9.2 TFLOPs at 470$ ''overclocked'' to 10+ TFLOPs.

  4. I like how the narrative changed to SSD speed now that Sony has an SSD that is twice as fast. Funny though I have never heard an SSD being a game changer with pc games before.?

  5. Are there expected to be any major issues with running the new machines through a 1080 TV?
    I dig that a newer set will be needed to fully experience what next-gen has to offer, but I remember the problems that CRT owners faced during the jump to Xbox 360, i.e. small text on the screen being unreadable and stuff like that.

  6. Yo said a console has to have games and cant depend on 3rd party. Well the switch doesn't have anything really and nobody gets on them the way ppl get on Xbox

  7. What I find concerning is that the majority of PS5 numbers are not fixed and it is the high numbers that are advertised. That 10.3 Tflop number is best case scenario.

  8. People are to scared over this thing the numbers dont support the hysteria keep your older family members safe and older people safe most of all

  9. I like my A50s too… That kinda is a bummer. There is always a work around though.
    If 1TB expandable drive cost about $125-150 it wont be too bad. 1TB NVME goes for at least $125. Prices have been going up a little bit lately though. WD BLACK NVME is $150. People will complain but they complain about everything. I think its a good storage solution. You can take that with a game to your friends house and plug it into their XSX and BAM… DONE! load and play just from that expansion card. Lets just hope they dont get greedy… thats really the only concern though right?

  10. Yo Rand al Thor , did anyone ever told you that you sounds like the YouTuber MBG, but you advocate for Xbox, although you do speaks a little bit faster than MBG.

  11. You really like to talk about "playstation fans this" "playstation fans that" but I have never heard you say anything about xbox dudes and things they do like stfu please. You hang out with colteastwood, you can't talk about fanboys.

  12. Good stuff guys! Funnily, Jim Ryan looked like a deer in head lights when he introduced Cerny. I』m thinking that if and when xcloud takes off and draws new users & proves the concept/strategy; at that point they』ll go balls in to having better games across the board. This is gonna take several years imo

  13. I just have to say on the optical audio if your not using HDMI audio your not getting high fidelity audio. Also if you have a receiver they will have optical out on them. I wish I would have been able to listen live. Randal your voice was at really low level.

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