
PS5的首席架構師Mark Cerny代替了傳統的GDC演講,在直播中介紹了一些下一代主機的關鍵規格。儘管這次演講確實包含了很多行話,但遊戲玩家仍需注意一些關鍵要點。

首先,向後兼容是Sony的首要任務。您將能夠在啟動時玩PS4最受歡迎的遊戲;開箱即用可播放近100個標題。 PS5還擁有專有的3D音頻技術,這意味著您將能夠聽到背後出現的恐怖怪獸並識別聲音的來源。


#PS5 #GameSpot#說明。

  1. Yet no one is talking about the cooling required for these console. Above all else cooling and form are 1st and 2nd most important things about these systems' longevity. Ps4 was a loud and hot box, whereas the xbox one x was cool and quite. I know this because I had both. I think the overheating is what lead to the death of my ps4r's HDD. Meanwhile my brother's xbox was and is just fine today. I now have a switch lite as of that result.

  2. The only game I care about backwards compatibility for would be Ghost of Tsushima because everything on PS4 I enjoy I've already finished and possibly platinumed so I'm satisfied leaving it behind. Plus it's not like I'm throwing my PS4 away

  3. Regarding Backward compatibility , Sony already confirmed that most PS4 games will be playable at launch. Top 100 PS4 games will work on PS5 with boosted performance.

  4. I actually loved the conference. It's too bad it went over most people's head. If you had gotten it, you would be PUMPED for PS5. It was designed to have no bottlenecks, and just be a speed demon. In some ways, it will have more power than the xbox. I also could care less about backwards compatibility , but that's just me.

  5. Every now and then a gamer gets a common case of nostalgia. It』s going to be sad to see fellow gamers flush out extra money to repurchase their own game they have sitting on their shelves. For the love of brand loyalty.

  6. I think you are dead wrong about there only being 825Gb size SSD. You have to remember that this "press conference" was for game DEVS. Not the players. My hypotheses is that it WILL have a 1 Tb SSD, but 175 Gbs will be for the OS. Here's my reasoning for this. The PS4 Pro's OS is 134.6 Gbs. The PS5 is also going to be backwards compatible. That is why the OS for the PS5 is 175 Gbs. The only reason they showed 825, is because that is what game devs will be able to utilize….. But I guess we'll see.

  7. Wow. Gamespot you are sooo smart. I love it when a p(h)ony uses a great exclusive game in their video to try and further their platform/ecosystem of choice. As if it's a good argument for Sony's sovereignty over your dollars. ~Yeah, I like the fact that I MUST buy INTO PlayStation to play a certain game(s). There's real freedom there right? Got to love it folks. I only wish Netflix would force us to buy their device to watch their content.. ..We demand that this as educated consumers!!

  8. How does the new console have less storage than the ps4 pro, and less than half as much as that special edition ps4 pro for the anniversary that they released

  9. Please unless you understand specs don't go around saying PS5 is weaker, a Tflop is based on a trillion float points not transistor counts which matter more, you should be worried about PS5 having more than 2x the throughput advantage with no bottlenecks in the memory. The change to constant power from the power supply and boost based on work load eliminates fan noise drastically in most cases.

  10. How to make PS5 backwards compatible for PS3 titles: Make PSNOW free and let us stream our existing PS3 digital library and Ta Da… Dun Son….I'm too old and lazy to understand how to use twitter/social media so someone please share this idea with the powers that be at SONY.

  11. Why are you doing Mr Cerny Job, He fucked it up already, So sad when it comes down to all this, LOL The shit done happen and your fanboy revise presentation only makes matter worse. LoL AH AH AH. Sony first Impression is a fail it's done we can't take it back Presentation as pass. ???

  12. Seriously…the PS5 isn't even fully backwards compatible with PS4? LOL Sony open world speed sound great but no one knows how well that will effect actually load times, graphics, overall gameplay, etc. This is honestly the biggest and best thing the PS5 has going for it. Aside from that the Series X is almost better in every other aspect.

  13. Conferência ruim…especificações fracas do Ps5…overclock ja no inicio da geração eita. Vai explodir. Ja estão enrolando o consumidor igual da outra vez…quem não entende se perde.
    Bad conference … Ps5 specs … overclocked and not early generation. It will explode. They are already signing up or being the same consumer again … those who don't understand get lost.

  14. So for instance how does pre ordering cyberpunk on my ps4 then playing it on the ps5 work… Is that not a true ps5 version of the game and I'll need to buy it again?

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