
義大利的醫務人員抱怨裝備嚴重短缺,包括防護口罩和眼鏡。 。

  1. O popolo, rafforzate Dio e cantate yajiath, quelli che sono disperati, che vi aiuti ad essere misericordiosi verso i misericordiosi.

  2. করোনা থেকে বাচতে হলে আল্লাহকে স্বরন কর।অযু কর পাঁচ ওয়াক্ত নামায পর আল্লাহ রক্ষা করবেন।

  3. Italians and Europeans need to drink more water they are used to Wine and stuff .. this may be one of the reasons for the high Mortality Rates and severity of the Infections

  4. Allah saying in the holy book Quran in surah no.16 ayat 67, 68 that Allah has made bees who make nest in mountain and trees then they eat fruit and different flower juice and from there belly some thing special come out which we say honey it is for the cureness of men. Why not we giving pure natural honey to corona victims in there regular food diet for there cureness, Allah words never can be rong

  5. Do you believe china』s death rate?? The people exposing their government gone missing. Never forget about them, one the heros of the virus. They knew the government will go after them. But they still did. So you trust that government death rate?

  6. Devi te stesso per la morte dei tuoi genitori e delle persone. Sei un popolo irresponsabile. Sei andato al ristorante. Devi aver ricevuto una punizione da Dio. Dov'è Roma e il papa. Debauchery. I polacchi hanno rapidamente chiuso tutto rapidamente. E stavi aspettando la morte e ti divertivi con le bevande. Hai una punizione. .

  7. People should turn to God and ask Him to victory over this disease, God alone will help them, Go back to God, O people. You have forgotten God, and He is now forgetting you.

  8. Im so sad thats why our country have a total lockdown at first i was happy because theyre no school i didnt think back then those who have the virus im so ashamed ??? of myself. i hope everyone will get healed and overcome the corona virus

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