


PlayStation 5將配備825 GB固態硬碟,能夠產生10.3 teraflops的GPU和定製的Tempest 3D AudioTech引擎,還有許多其他令人難以置信的規格!幾個月的完全沉默之後,我們很高興能收到Sony的消息,因此,讓我們更詳細地介紹這些已確認的功能。

SSD不僅可以為玩家提供即時的載入時間,還可以減少補丁的安裝時間,這是PS4遊戲中最持久的問題之一。 PS5還將帶有一個擴展托架,用於擴展SSD存儲,這對已經在紙上看起來不錯的控制台來說是一個了不起的補充。 PS5將配備主頻為3.5GHz的定製八核AMD Zen 2 CPU和基於AMD RDNA 2架構的自定義GPU,該處理器能夠產生主頻為2.23GHz的10.28 teraflops,以及16GB的GDDR6 RAM。所有這些都意味著令人難以置信的圖形和光線跟蹤功能。指望我們!最後,索尼將通過其Tempest 3D AudioTech引擎專註於3D音頻,以改善本地性和沉浸感。雖然我們沒有看到控制台的設計,但所有這些信息都是朝著正確方向邁出的一步。

不僅如此,我們還將深入介紹PS5的規格和功能,並欣賞視頻,讓我們在下面的評論部分中了解您對下一代遊戲機的想法,並且不要忘記訂閱TheGamer,以獲取更多遊戲視頻。 。

對於版權問題,請通過以下方式與我們聯繫:[email protected]

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  1. sony talks about backwards compatability with previous gen but all they do is migrate over to a cloud based ps now platform that im sure many of us dont even "subscribe" to in the first place. dispite the rest of the features ill be looking at when i insert a ps1-3 disc and see disc not supported message just like when i put a ps1-3 disc into the ps4 and saw the same message. im not paying for a game i already have just to be limited to streaming the content. PC through steam or just fire up old legacy systems to run them. if Sony actually does what they say then maybe they will have a higher fanbase. Only time will tell….

  2. this is a big lie. Only if your internet connection is fast enough updating wont take long. Aslong as the servers can handle the upload. Wy they did not upgrade to a 2 TB hard drive is beyond me. Is it comming with a VR set?? Oh and the backwards compatibility ho is gonna use that feature huh? yeah you maybe like 1 or 2 games and you only play the untill you can pay for the realy expensive games wich are totaly overpriced! what happened with the 20 dollar brand new games huh? even tripple a titles just need to upgrade their software once the rest is squeezing you out off your money for a game that is just average to play. stop and buy a pc you can upgrade the graphics card for the price of a ps 5 and the graphics will be way betther!
    dont lke to play with a keyboard and mouce?? You can connect your faforite game pad to your pc and play what ever you like! to quote a line from this video the closest to a gaming pc yet. So they are close but no sigar!

  3. Now I am using PlayStation 3. There's no significant difference between PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 4 pro, with PlayStation 3. But PlayStation 5 is different. I will buy PlayStation 5.

  4. I really like that it's small and isn't too big. I use to drop my PS3 so much I kept hearing things rattle everytime I moved it to another spot?. PS4 sometimes fall as well. With this light thing it'll be no reason for it to break. If the price is $700 off the back it better be indestructible. ??

  5. I』ll pass on it.for all that I might as well buy a gaming pc for way cheaper.then on top of that no game disk??‍♂️.guess I』ll stick with ps4 and ride it out until it can』t ride no more same as I did with my ps3.i guess then that』s when my gamer life will come to an retiring end!!! I still love playing my ps3 mostly play gta5 on it.its still a lot of fun even with all the tons of modders playing.would be nice when ps4 can also be modded to hell and back,would be off the top on ps4??‍♂️??‍♂️gta5 is still the shiznit!!!!

  6. To all of you who wants no jet engine on the ps5, it won』t happen. The reason to why ps4 is so loud is because lots of ram is idle, like he said. The cpu had 1.6 ghz which is just horrible

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