

SCMP首席新聞編輯永登·拉圖(Yonden Lhatoo)警告說,兩國正在通過陰謀論將混亂推向一個危險的新高度。


  1. get it over with, get sick, get isolated, get immune, get back to life.

    would it be better if those who are healthy deliberately get it and then isolate themselves until healthy again, no longer sick or contagious so then they are immune. then they can go back to normal life.

    what if we all shut down until we think its safe then we all go back out into the world only to get it anyways then have to shut down all over again. maybe how many times that cycle will continue to happen?

    maybe our doctors, all doctors and politicians should study how taiwan and singapore handled the situation and copy it, if its not to late to do so already.

  2. Tweeter is the best way to convey messages to mainstream American, hence China officials used it. I can't believe SCMP failed to figure it out.

  3. The irony of USA demanding an explanation for china's wrongful accusation while at the same time has been accusing other nations a weapon of mass destruction long gone before. Dont get me wrong, im not pro china.

  4. 「Tin foil hat」 there』s definitely a synchronized fear mongering effort by the media. News and business sites are misinterpreting data as mislead the public.

  5. Well, how about Trump』s racist remarks and H1N1 has killed more than 20 thousands people US and some other allied Countries have barred from Chinese enter their countries and they』ve been warned , but chose to do nothing as it because the worry about their share markets .China was brave to block the provinces to stop the spread and was suffered the smearing of the Western News instead of actively try to control the virus. Let put to this way H1N1 I knew it was a flu, but did not know where it came from and did not care so do many Chinese, but the Media have make sure they are can smear China as much as possible, I used to hate CCP of China as I was constantly listen to mainstreams Media until I accidentally discovered from Kim Iverse, George Galloway; my mind open. You words should be directed to Donald Trump The world biggest threat dividing human race is Him. Enough is enough , also H1N1 is benign virus and I want to know why he has let his citizen die because of poverty? In CONTRAST with China have carried the cost so people can get well. This is called Humanity. Please look at the facts who has done what and who has not?

  6. Is it really a conspiracy? Why would the US be the first country to immediately stop all flights in the first place after the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan? Why would no one from the US military won a gold medal in the World Military Competition in Wuhan before the outbreak? Why were that so many people died of the so-called 'flu' in the States last year. There's a lot of mystery that is pending to be solved, I believe.

  7. You have been successful, now people think a free press that is actually a wing of a political party and complete and utter propaganda machine have the same value. Which is no value both are equally corrupt and are equally useless. When a leftist government that slaughters it』s own citizens is viewed as favorably as a free democratic society, then, the left has been successful in destroying humanity.

  8. 1. At the end of October 2019, why did the United States send a special plane to pick up five sick athletes from Wuhan?

    2. The performance of the US team was incredible. It scored 0 points and 0 gold medals (133 gold medals for the Chinese team), ranking 35th (North Korea got 7 with 9 gold). Is the 369 soldiers sent by the United States a special group who cannot shoot? Biochemical soldier?

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