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  1. Other world government see corona virus ? deaths as ????

    American government see Corona virus ? DEATHS as ??????????????????????????? Ask Jared kushner ( trumps son in law)about his task force

  2. Everytime I see a special report with trump, pence and their goonies I'm reminded of the movie idiocracy. Everytime! I just cant seem to get past that. Theres just absolutely no intelligence in that group whatsoever. They want you to believe they have their brains in order but it's just not showing even a fraction of intelligence for that group. And they poise like leaders. Lmao! How quaint!

  3. Why is the CDC recommending sending exchange students home right now? I know a high school student from Italy who is being told to return home, where the situation is the worst. Her parents are locked down and they are going to put this kid on a plane and send her home. This is terrible!

  4. The reason that the young ppl are taking it for granted is because the US government in particular have been giving inaccurate reporting that young ppl are not getting sick. Its the gov fault and they did it to dissuade ppl from going out and buying protective equipment and from clogging the ER with young children. They continued to say that it was impacting almost excusively older ppl. I even listened to a reporter almost have to pull the teeth of a medical prof on Trump cabinet last week to get her to say anything about young ppl with Asthma being at risk!! So now they wonder why young ppl have ignored the effects and warning. I have yet to hear anyone say that those with HIV, HEP, Lupus or other autoimmune system, copd etc. All of those can be young or old. Yes they say "those with an underlying illness". Yet ppl look at you with disgust if you are young and have on a face mask as if you can not have an underlying condition or if you are a young parent of a child with Asthma and you need to stay healthy so that you dont pass it to the child. Instead of lying about the demographics or saying masks wont work ( in am effort to keep ppl from buying masks and taking from the medical ssupply. They should have said here are ways to make homemade face masks but please don't buy up the masks. Warning!!! Cover your airways. I don't care what anybody says. Cover with a scarf, altered piece of clothing, cut skull cap etc. Clean and disinfect the cloth daily. Its better than nothing.

  5. Mnuchin is a bad mother fxcker he has a black belt , and he has jujitsu training , he has cage fought in Japan.

  6. Task Force, Space Force. Only this administration ?.

    「Local Everybody」. Tip: Pre-read your speeches so you know what』s going on and then stick to it. We don』t need your filler that you think makes things seem more fantastic/great ?

  7. The Press in America is disgraceful and has a mob mentality ! I do not put any faith, creditable or trust in CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS. I firmly believe these organizations and their people are a propaganda arm of the Socialist Communist Democrat Political Party. I also believe they are the greatest danger to America and the American people !!!!
    A U.S. Veteran and American Patriot.

  8. Can we have emergency food supply for old people and pregnant people on benefits please! The corona virus is making us feel anxiety because we dont have enough money to stoke up food and tissues! So can the government please come out with a plan to help us people on benefits please!!

  9. Real smart. Trillions in debt now when you were only a few million off from having Sars vaccine from last time. Could have had something ready to pump out in a couple weeks?

  10. Are you in need of face mask or hand sanitizers to keep you constantly protected and safe? Are you having troubles with the long queues at the stores in getting your required and desired items? Do you want to get tested at the comfort of your home with the private help of a Thermo Fisher scientist and get result in 24 hours? Do you also need the Chloroquine & Zinc Treatment Combo to keep your immune system strong and fight off the virus? If yes, then I suggest you contact this professional hacker to save you from the present world crisis. Prevention is better than cure so please stay home and quarantine yourself. I』m so happy that I got help from hacker Gavin. He is a professional online carting hacker and I』m glad that I contacted him for my desired needs and necessary pandemic essentials to keep myself safe without leaving the comfort of my home. He also sent a private Thermo fisher scientist to my home and I got tested without having to go to any hospital and I feel so lucky but I can』t keep this to myself. All I did was share my home address with hacker Gavin and I had all my orders shipped to my door step conveniently. You can contact this great hacker 「Gavin」 via Gmail  (cyberhackinggenius) or text and speak to him directly on his phone and WhatsApp : +19256795146 and don』t forget to thank me later!

  11. everybody in 2019 : "my biggest regret in life is not buying Nike or Google stock when i was younger, i could have been a billionaire by now"

    everybody in 2020 : my biggest regret in life is all the houses i TP-ed when i was a kid. if only i had a time machine i would tell myself not to waste all that precious precious toilet paper for a Halloween prank (sigh….)"

  12. Turn off the news and shut the f up. In the U.S. alone, 34,200 people died from the flu in the 2018-2019 season but where was the news then?!? Where was all the hysteria then?? Where were all the school cancellations then?? There's more at play than what meets the eye people. JFC! #stayinformed #corona #covid19 #reality

  13. Make sure you either plant your own garden or help someone with theirs this spring. This isn』t going to be over in 2 weeks. This isn』t going to be over until we have a vaccine.

  14. @1:13:10. "Wheres Anthony? He's doing just incredible!" He shakes his head at you. That is not out of casual shameless gratitude. He is literally shaking his head, horizontally, at muted disbelief and cautiously expressed disagreement. We are at the beginning stage of an 'unpresidented' epidemic, and unconscious, self-proclaimed, genius-child, has, once again, overlooked any potential shame in producing classic, jump-the-gun declarations.

  15. Yesterday around 4500,today around 10,000.tomorrow maybe 20,000 ,what about day after tomorrow 20,000 ,pray to god ,hope we will not going that way.where is god?

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