
粉絲們將湯姆·漢克斯(Tom Hanks)最近對冠狀病毒的診斷添加到了《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)異常預料到的永無止境的事情中。

辛普森一家30多年來的播出,已經成為一種預言性的特許經營權,有多個系列的情節點在不同程度上成為了現實。該系列最怪異,最瘋狂的預測包括幾個超級碗的冠軍,齊格菲(Siegfried)和羅伊(Roy)老虎的襲擊,以及最近唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的總統選舉。

由於《辛普森一家》曾在幾十年之前稱呼未來,因此,粉絲們對於他們認為湯姆·漢克斯(Tom Hanks)在2007年的《辛普森一家電影》(The Simpsons Movie)中的客串與他和妻子的冠狀病毒隔離之間的不可思議聯繫感到震驚。麗塔·威爾遜(Rita Wilson),對該病毒測試呈陽性。









  1. ….. bin laden never told he dropped the twin tower, and burn the tower and try burning all sides it takes three months to burn the size of twin tower, Don』t blame animals for Coronavirus ….. why people are so much blind….

  2. Evidently The Simpsons script writers have clairvoyant powers but have not publicly admitted this. So we all must watch The Simpsons to find out future events.

  3. eu acho que o que aconteceu no ep de os simpsons não aconteceu ainda, pode ser que um japa infectado espirre num desses produtos ajudando a espalhar mais ainda o virus, fique esperto ao comprar algo

  4. This guy is liying. They do know, and they know way way in advance. The cabal plans several yrs in advance. Sometimes many decades.

  5. He was infected by his shot of Adrenochrome that had been tampered with. Kind of weird of so many celebrities have came down with it considering how small a percentage of the population they make up.

    Also, quick tidbit – adrenochrome is manufactured in Wuhan, but i imagine Hanks and his shit head son prefer to get it the old fashioned way.

  6. Actually, Nostradamus predicted it.
    There will be a twin year (2020) from which will arise a queen (corona) who will come from the east (China) and who will spread a plague (virus) in the darkness of night, on a country with 7 hills (Italy) and will transform the twilight of men into dust (death), to destroy and ruin the world. It will be the end of the world economy as you know it.

  7. Another "Simpsons did it!" What's so incredible about it? They've done absolutely everything. Gotta love Matt's take on modern flues and politics though.

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