
隨著科學家努力遏制冠狀病毒,研究人員仍在試圖弄清它的來源。早期的研究表明,人類是從動物(可能是蝙蝠)中採集到這種病毒的,但仍不清楚該病毒是如何引起這種跳躍的。科學記者和作家大衛·誇曼(David Quammen)解釋了一個叫做「動物病」的術語,以及這種疾病如何從動物傳播到人類。

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  1. If this came from chinese eating bats…why now? Did they only just begin eating bats etc…or have they always eaten them? If so; why is this virus new? makes no sense. They actually want us to believe that a virus decided to jump off a bat this year and onto humans…but never before this… the bats were waiting for 2020….and now the world is paying the price? I don't buy it.

  2. so the animals patented it?…like they did the aids virus?…who is this person that can communicate with animals enough to help them fill out all the forms?…David…you sir are a great A21 salesman

  3. That is why in islam there is halal and haram food. Also not all animals u can eat… one of the rules dont eat animals with fangs and claws. And this kind of warning already from 1400 years ago.. humans do not know the long backward effect of what they did, but God is omniscient. A lot of knowledge and warnings in Islam that are now proven to be true… God already warning and give us a right path. And Muhammad is the last prophet and mesenger from God.. and holy Quran is the last holy book. just read quran surah al-fatihah, u will aware from that verse, God himself guarantees the truth of this holy quran. means no more change by human hands about the verse. but most people disbelieve and reject the verse.. ####sry if my english is bad uwu (T_T)

  4. It's rabies bats and rats carry rabies they make the different names to throw us off and they don't want us to really panic from what it really is it's rabies make u think the sauces they cover up in Chinese food like orange chicken and egg fu Yun it's really rats and bats they probably was selling why it's killing them in China is because they eat rats and bats and ? snakes to there is nothing left and the wing so yeah they will drop dead and it's in liviticus chapter 11 verse 13 to 20 it's an abomination YAH say they should not be eaten

  5. Fact: no proof that anyone in China ate a bat. This could have began anywhere. We as American, eats snakes, frogs, alligators, crayfish, and other such creatures. A large fish eats a bat thats infected, then the fish is eaten by a human, it could be that simple. Remember mad cow disease, where did it come from? Humans feeding cows things that they naturally wouldn't have eaten. People all over the world have weird diets, and eating habits. It's assurd to blame the Chinese for anything such as this. Never say, you're never eat this or that. When starvation is at the door, even humans have eaten the flesh of other humans, to stay alive. Remember Donner Pass. Think about this, some humans can carry the virus without getting sick, just as other animals. Smallpox was brought to America and many other isolated islands by Europeans. Even used as a biological weapon against native Americans. We are a global community, been so for a long time. In times of old, the wise men of a nation, would be asked, what does this plague mean, and they would search their holy books for understanding. If you are wise, you're do the same.

  6. I agree not to interact that much with Flora and fauna, it is unfortunate though, how we destroy it with our massive growing population.
    Not everything is negative toward this matter. Look at several things we have learned by keeping a quarantine active in certain countries: China's air quality has better itself without people moving a finger. Meaning possibly that we are not qualified to consider large masses of people and probably we need to stop the reproduction of our Human Species…
    Look at the dolphins, fish and swans swimming in the canals of Venice Italy. How clear their water is now and probably meaning that they need to stop the Gondola rides and its exploitation by probably finding a better way to stop polluting the water.
    The earth will heal itself if we stop intoxicating it so much. Shouldn't we take a moment of our lives and reflect on how to restore the earth to it's original state instead of making it all about us, the money, the clothes, cars and houses we should have?

  7. "Corona" means "crown". This, to occultists, means the top of the head. To Kabbalah, it means death. To Hindus, it means infancy (anterior fontanelle). Thus, the preventable death of infants, as in recent legalized infanticides, invoked Moloch, as in Canaanite child sacrifice. To stop it, we must stop infanticide. There are more complexities, but this will suffice.

  8. Evolve quickly, how F**king quickly? Don't tell me it only took few years for the virus to EVOLVE and start killing humans… its is really weird that animals can live with those "evolving viruses" and not die, and suddenly it comes to humans we are being obliterated! I simply cannot believe that virus in such a short time not only evolved but "jumped from animals to humans" . 2:39 – really their immune system is f**ked and yet they do not die :/ what a bunch of nonsense… swine flu the same, apparently the pigs were responsible for the outbreak and yet the pigs were not dying, people simply mass killed those poor animals! How come that the animals can live with the virus and only people are affected… It's all better to blame animals for it, what about a war between countries, labs that are used to invent and play with viruses…

  9. Not so fast… Why did WHO support the CCP's decision of quarantine Wuhan after half of its population already left the city!? With more than 5 millions of potential spreaders… caused CCP again quarantine more than 18 other major cities in the PRC…
    The question must be asked is:"When should be the rest of the world would consider of quarantine the whole PRC…with its occupied territories…!?"
    The medicine that'll be able to save PRC by Dr. Alexandre Yersin (1863-1943) as once saved ROC…
    Good luck with your… inactions…
    BTW … These are the DJT's testing sites… here! Coronavirus.gov

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