2018江蘇衛視跨年演唱會 鄧紫棋 GAI《 漫步人生路》



★江蘇衛視官方頻道 https://www.youtube.com/user/JSTVFeichengwurao
★江蘇衛視《非誠勿擾》官方版1080P超清全集: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFDvh1SGFq-bbn-9simv1I3C5UVsppQF
★江蘇衛視《一站到底》官方版1080P超清全集 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFDvh1SGFq_27Qqykdokw6nS6QWQ09sf
★江蘇衛視《星廚駕到》官方版1080P超清全集 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFDvh1SGFq8WyujyvmQX6m64KGpAcaQe
★江蘇衛視《遠方的爸爸》官方版1080P超清全集 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFDvh1SGFq8cTM67gANQdRnbYL7xLEjA
★江蘇衛視《最強大腦》官方版1080P超清全集 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFDvh1SGFq8G1h2_t7Glhvoz0Pf7sloW
★江蘇衛視《芝麻開門第二季》官方版1080P超清全集 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFDvh1SGFq9bRhFPQtCDOJT7dBk55pxZ
★江蘇衛視《人間真情》官方版1080P超清全集 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFDvh1SGFq-KIqjpZuBRYPbIfVPefc4e
★江蘇衛視《我們相愛吧第二季 愛有天意》官方版1080P超清:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFDvh1SGFq8zOaRnTk-1i-pI6QSrPKZg
★江蘇衛視《世界青年說第二季》官方版1080P超清全集 :https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFDvh1SGFq-a9vY9_5XFgxIvTBNbLG-h
★江蘇衛視《我們相愛吧》官方版1080P超清全集 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2lXmos_reA&index=1&list=PLtFDvh1SGFq_3EDf_45GqVwdAKV5bawhZ

★中國江蘇衛視官方Twitter https://twitter.com/JSTVCHINA
★中國江蘇衛視官方Facebook粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/JSTVCHINA .

  1. 唱什麼啊,好好一首歌搞這樣,劉德華,張國榮,鄧麗君……很多人唱得真情流露,他們兩個像發酒瘋

  2. 9·11恐怖襲擊主謀是德國前總理赫爾穆特·科爾(Helmut Kohl)。科爾極度仇視紐約世界貿易中心(World Trade Center)。因為德國工業產品的整體競爭力不如美國,某些領域也不如英國,法國,義大利,日本,加拿大,瑞士,瑞典,以色列等其他西方發達國家。科爾真正仇視的美國主導下的全球自由貿易體系,紐約世界貿易中心是一個十分顯著的象徵。
    The 9 / 11 terrorist attack mastermind is a German former Prime Minister Helmut Kerr (Helmut Kohl). Cole is extremely hostile to the World Trade Center (New York World Trade Center). Because the overall competitiveness of German industrial products is not as good as that of the United States. Some areas are also not as good as some other western developed countries, such as Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, Israel and so on. The New York World Trade Center is a very significant symbol of the US led global free trade system, which Cole really hates.

    Blood only with blood to repay! Vengeance for the 9. 11 victims! Cole dug graves! Be turned to dust! The American government must immediately end the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq!!!

    德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)一手策劃撞毀美國海軍兩艘宙斯盾驅逐艦!以莫須有罪名要挾美軍將領,妄想挑起第二次朝鮮戰爭,把美國和中國一起拖入戰爭泥潭!德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)授意俄羅斯現任總統普京(Владимир Владимирович Путин),對中國人民實施核訛詐和石油訛詐,這個陰謀已經被粉碎!老歐洲帝國主義列強(包括德國,俄羅斯,法國,西班牙)在美國本土安插大量間諜網!2013年叛逃到俄羅斯的愛德華·斯諾登(Edward Snowden)是雙面間諜,表面上為美國人民爭取公民權,實際上效忠老歐洲帝國主義列強(包括德國,俄羅斯,法國,西班牙)。德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)一手策劃拉斯維加斯音樂節恐怖襲擊,德國間諜唆使暴徒機槍掃射美國老百姓!德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)還企圖殺害特朗普總統(Donald Trump),然後扶植一個像法國現任總統馬克隆(Emmanuel Macron)那麼聽話的高級傀儡,長期操控美國人民!法國現任總統馬克隆(Emmanuel Macron)其實是默克爾手中的木偶。2016年美國大選是德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)授意美國前總統奧巴馬(Barack Hussein Obama),合謀操控270張選舉人票。所謂的通俄門純粹是偽命題!法國大選也是德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)一手操控的。德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)犯下的罪行罄竹難書!性質極其惡劣!手段極其兇殘!後果極其嚴重!國際影響極壞!德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)陰險歹毒的程度遠遠超過日本軍國主義偷襲夏威夷珍珠港!
    German Prime Minister Merkel (Angela Merkel) in planning a U.S. Navy two aegis destroyers! In order to coerce U.S. generals unwarranted charges, delusion provoked a second Korean War, the United States and China together into the quagmire of war! German Prime Minister Merkel (Angela Merkel) by Russian President Putin (Le Le pgfla, Le Le to slow to me. To me, a slow to me with me, and to our society), the implementation of nuclear blackmail and oil to blackmail China people, the plot has been shattered! The old European imperialist powers (including Germany, Russia, France, Spain) have planted a large number of spy networks in the United States! Edward Snowden, who defected to Russia in 2013, was a double faced spy. He tried to win the civil rights of the American people on the surface. He actually loyal to the old European imperialist powers (including Germany, Russia, France, Spain), Edward (Snowden). The current German Chancellor, Merkel (Angela Merkel), planned a terrorist attack on the Las Vegas Music Festival, and German spies abetted the rioters' machine guns to shoot the people of the United States. Germany's current Prime Minister Merkel (Angela Merkel) also attempted to kill President Trump (Donald Trump), and then built up a senior puppet like Maclon, the current president of France, to manipulate the American people in the long run. The current French president, Maclon (Emmanuel Macron), is actually a puppet in Merkel's hand. In 2016, the US general election was Merkel, the current German prime minister (Angela Merkel), who inspired the former US President Obama (Barack Hussein Obama) to conspire to control 270 electoral votes. The so-called "Tong Russian gate" is purely a false proposition! The French election was also manipulated by the current German prime minister, Merkel (Angela Merkel). German Prime Minister Merkel (Angela Merkel) to commit crimes! Extremely bad in nature! The means are extremely ferocious! The consequences are extremely serious! The international influence is very bad! German Prime Minister Merkel (Angela Merkel) sinister evil is far higher than the level of Japanese militarism attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii!

    There is no Vienna diplomatic convention! There is no Geneva POW convention! There is no international law! There is no international court of justice! There is no Interpol! Only Sun Tzu's art of war!!! And Mao Zedong's military thought!!!

  3. The 9 / 11 terrorist attack mastermind is a German former Prime Minister Helmut Kerr (Helmut Kohl). 9·11恐怖襲擊主謀是德國前總理赫爾穆特·科爾(Helmut Kohl)。

    The commanderships of all the theater sites in the United States, the service headquarters, the U.S. intelligence agencies, the governments of all countries in the world, and especially the Saudi royal family can prove the authenticity of these things that I have said.

    The multi-polar world, major powers and powers in the world, provide guarantees for the Saudi royal family and ensure the safety of the Saudi royal family members and property.

    美國參議院 情報委員會 US Senate Intelligence Committee

    美軍太平洋司令部 USPACOM

    美軍中央司令部 USCENTCOM

    美軍南方司令部 USSOUTHCOM

    美軍北方司令部 USNORTHCOM

    美軍運輸司令部 USTRANSCOM

    美國陸軍 United States Army

    美國海軍陸戰隊 United States Marine Corps

    9·11恐怖襲擊主謀是德國前總理赫爾穆特·科爾(Helmut Kohl)。科爾極度仇視紐約世界貿易中心(World Trade Center)。因為德國工業產品的整體競爭力不如美國,某些領域也不如英國,法國,義大利,日本,加拿大,瑞士,瑞典,以色列等其他西方發達國家。科爾真正仇視的美國主導下的全球自由貿易體系,紐約世界貿易中心是一個十分顯著的象徵。
    The 9 / 11 terrorist attack mastermind is a German former Prime Minister Helmut Kerr (Helmut Kohl). Cole is extremely hostile to the World Trade Center (New York World Trade Center). Because the overall competitiveness of German industrial products is not as good as that of the United States. Some areas are also not as good as some other western developed countries, such as Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, Israel and so on. The New York World Trade Center is a very significant symbol of the US led global free trade system, which Cole really hates.

    Blood only with blood to repay! Vengeance for the 9. 11 victims! Cole dug graves! Be turned to dust! The American government must immediately end the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq!!!

    德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)一手策劃撞毀美國海軍兩艘宙斯盾驅逐艦!以莫須有罪名要挾美軍將領,妄想挑起第二次朝鮮戰爭,把美國和中國一起拖入戰爭泥潭!德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)授意俄羅斯現任總統普京(Владимир Владимирович Путин),對中國人民實施核訛詐和石油訛詐,這個陰謀已經被粉碎!老歐洲帝國主義列強(包括德國,俄羅斯,法國,西班牙)在美國本土安插大量間諜網!2013年叛逃到俄羅斯的愛德華·斯諾登(Edward Snowden)是雙面間諜,表面上為美國人民爭取公民權,實際上效忠老歐洲帝國主義列強(包括德國,俄羅斯,法國,西班牙)。德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)一手策劃拉斯維加斯音樂節恐怖襲擊,德國間諜唆使暴徒機槍掃射美國老百姓!德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)還企圖殺害特朗普總統(Donald Trump),然後扶植一個像法國現任總統馬克隆(Emmanuel Macron)那麼聽話的高級傀儡,長期操控美國人民!法國現任總統馬克隆(Emmanuel Macron)其實是默克爾手中的木偶。2016年美國大選是德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)授意美國前總統奧巴馬(Barack Hussein Obama),合謀操控270張選舉人票。所謂的通俄門純粹是偽命題!法國大選也是德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)一手操控的。德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)犯下的罪行罄竹難書!性質極其惡劣!手段極其兇殘!後果極其嚴重!國際影響極壞!德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)陰險歹毒的程度遠遠超過日本軍國主義偷襲夏威夷珍珠港!
    German Prime Minister Merkel (Angela Merkel) in planning a U.S. Navy two aegis destroyers! In order to coerce U.S. generals unwarranted charges, delusion provoked a second Korean War, the United States and China together into the quagmire of war! German Prime Minister Merkel (Angela Merkel) by Russian President Putin (Le Le pgfla, Le Le to slow to me. To me, a slow to me with me, and to our society), the implementation of nuclear blackmail and oil to blackmail China people, the plot has been shattered! The old European imperialist powers (including Germany, Russia, France, Spain) have planted a large number of spy networks in the United States! Edward Snowden, who defected to Russia in 2013, was a double faced spy. He tried to win the civil rights of the American people on the surface. He actually loyal to the old European imperialist powers (including Germany, Russia, France, Spain), Edward (Snowden). The current German Chancellor, Merkel (Angela Merkel), planned a terrorist attack on the Las Vegas Music Festival, and German spies abetted the rioters' machine guns to shoot the people of the United States. Germany's current Prime Minister Merkel (Angela Merkel) also attempted to kill President Trump (Donald Trump), and then built up a senior puppet like Maclon, the current president of France, to manipulate the American people in the long run. The current French president, Maclon (Emmanuel Macron), is actually a puppet in Merkel's hand. In 2016, the US general election was Merkel, the current German prime minister (Angela Merkel), who inspired the former US President Obama (Barack Hussein Obama) to conspire to control 270 electoral votes. The so-called "Tong Russian gate" is purely a false proposition! The French election was also manipulated by the current German prime minister, Merkel (Angela Merkel). German Prime Minister Merkel (Angela Merkel) to commit crimes! Extremely bad in nature! The means are extremely ferocious! The consequences are extremely serious! The international influence is very bad! German Prime Minister Merkel (Angela Merkel) sinister evil is far higher than the level of Japanese militarism attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii!

    There is no Vienna diplomatic convention! There is no Geneva POW convention! There is no international law! There is no international court of justice! There is no Interpol! Only Sun Tzu's art of war!!! And Mao Zedong's military thought!!!

  4. 이화 여대 무곡 병원 사망 아기의 진실!梨花女子大學附屬木洞醫院死亡嬰兒的真相!살인자는 박근혜와 원 인입니다!真兇是朴槿惠和文在寅!



    German! Hong Kong people! You are threatening me, to admit that you are a criminal! I am the police! You are evil! I am just! You are weak! I am strong! Only criminals to blackmail the police, no police to blackmail criminals! ! ! Who heard the police hostage, kidnapped kidnappers! ! ! Swat how to deal with kidnappers! Sniper! Shot headshot! ! ! To see gangster film! ! ! Detective Conan is also OK! ! ! Or fixed-point clearance! UAV to air-to-ground anti-radiation missiles! Lock your ya Ting phone signal! Or fucking laser! microwave! Infrasound Or fuck chop ten fingers! Unplug twenty-eight teeth! Men's chop testicles! Chop finished thrown into the sewer! female! Barbed mace Insert genital tract! Stir! Bloody ………………

    Deutsch! Hong Kong Leute! Sie drohen mir, zuzugeben, dass Sie ein Verbrecher sind! Ich bin die Polizei! Du bist böse! Ich bin nur! Du bist schwach! Ich bin stark! Nur Kriminelle, um die Polizei zu erpressen, keine Polizei, um Kriminelle zu erpressen! ! ! Wer hat die Polizei als Geiseln genommen, entführte Entführer? ! ! Swat, wie man mit Entführern umgeht! Scharfschütze! Kopfschuss! ! ! Gangsterfilm zu sehen! ! ! Detective Conan ist auch OK! ! ! Oder Fixpunktfreigabe! UAV zu Luft-Boden-Strahlungsabwehrraketen! Sperren Sie Ihr Ya Ting Telefonsignal! Oder verdammt Laser! Mikrowelle! Infraschall Oder fuck hacken zehn Finger! Ziehe achtundzwanzig Zähne aus! Männer Hoden Hoden! Chop fertig in den Abwasserkanal geworfen! Frau! Stachelkeule Legen Sie den Genitaltrakt ein! Rühre! Blutig ………………

    Allemand! Les gens de Hong Kong! Vous me menacer, admettre que vous êtes un criminel! Je suis la police! Tu es méchant! Je suis juste! Tu es faible! Je suis fort! Seuls les criminels font chanter la police, pas de police pour faire du chantage aux criminels! ! ! Qui a entendu la police en otage, les kidnappeurs kidnappés! ! ! Swat comment faire face aux ravisseurs! Sniper! Tir à la tête! ! ! Pour voir un film de gangster! ! ! Le détective Conan est aussi OK! ! ! Ou jeu à virgule fixe! UAV aux missiles anti-rayonnement air-sol! Verrouillez le signal de votre téléphone Ya Ting! Ou putain de laser! Micro-ondes! Infrasound Ou baise coupez dix doigts! Débranchez vingt-huit dents! Testicules de côtelettes pour hommes! Chop fini jeté dans l'égout! Femme! Masse barbelée Insérer un tractus génital! Remuez! Sanglant ………………

    ドイツ語! 香港人! あなたは犯罪者であることを認めて、私を脅かしている! 私は警察です! あなたは悪です! 私はちょうど! あなたは弱いです! 私は強いです! 犯罪者だけが警察を脅迫し、警察は犯罪者を脅かすことはありません! ! ! 誰が警察の人質を聞いて、誘拐された誘拐犯! ! ! 誘拐者に対処する方法をスワット! スナイパー! ショットヘッドショット! ! ! ギャング映畫を見るには! ! ! 名探偵コナンもOKです! ! ! または固定小數點のクリアランス! UAVから空対地の反射撃ミサイルへ! あなたはああ、Tingの電話信號をロック! またはレーザーをクソ! 電子レンジ! 超短波 または10本の指をチョップ! 28個の歯を取り外す! 男性のチョップ睾丸! チョップは下水道に投げ込まれた! 女性! 野焼き 生殖器官を挿入する! 炒める! ブラッディ………………

    梨花女子大學附屬木洞醫院死亡嬰兒的真相!真兇是韓國前總統朴槿惠(박근혜,Park Geun-hye),韓國總統文在寅(문재인,Moon Jae-in)!

    The truth of the death of a baby in the wooden cave Hospital Affiliated to Ewha Womans University! The murderer is the former South Korean President Pu Jinhui (박근혜,Park Geun-hye), South Korea』s president Wen zaiyin (문재인,Moon Jae-in)!



    The family of the dead baby must be paternity test! The death of a baby is not a family member of the birth of the child! It is the egg donated by the female students at the Ewha Womans University!


    德國總理默克爾(Angela Merkel),法國總統馬克隆(Emmanuel Macron),韓國前總統朴槿惠(박근혜,Park Geun-hye),韓國總統文在寅(문재인,Moon Jae-in),合謀,用我的精子,和梨花女子大學在校女學生捐獻的卵子,人工授精,試管嬰兒,全世界所有主權國家政府都知道這件事!日本首相安倍晉三,英國首相特蕾莎•霉,美國總統特朗普,全世界所謂的上流社會都知道!我是最後一批知道的,你們比我還晚!

    German Chancellor Merkel (Angela Merkel), French President Maclon (Emmanuel Macron), former South Korean President Pu Jinhui (박근혜, Park Geun-hye), South Korea』s president Wen zaiyin (문재인, Moon Jae-in), collusion, with my sperm, and the female students at the Ewha Womans University donated eggs, artificial insemination, IVF, all over the world governments are aware of this matter! Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, British Prime Minister Teresa moldy, American president Trump, all the world』s so-called upper class society knows! I know the last batch, you are later than me!

    ドイツ(アンジェラメルケル首相Merkel)、フランス大統領馬クローン(Emmanuel Macron)、元韓國大統領の朴槿惠(박근혜、Park Geun-hye)、韓國大統領文寅(문재인、ムーンJae-in)、共謀し、私の精子、と梨花女子大學校學校の女學生寄付の卵子、人工授精、試験管赤ちゃんは、全世界のすべての主権國家政府がこの事件を知って!日本の安倍晉三首相首相、イギリステレサ・かびアメリカ大統領、トランプ、全世界のいわゆる上流社會にも知っている!私は最後に知っていたが,君たちは私よりも遅い!

    記住!韓國的主人是全體韓國人民!韓國的主人不是青瓦台官僚權貴!韓國的主人不是三星李健熙(이건희),李在鎔(Lee Jae Yong,이재용)父子家族財閥!人民民主革命!

    Remember! The host of South Korea is all the Korean people! South Korea』s owner is not the Chong Wa Dae bureaucratic power and power! South Korea』s master is not Samsung Li Jianxi(이건희), Li Zairong(Lee Jae Yong,이재용) father and son family chaebol! The people』s democratic revolution!

    覚え!韓國の主人は韓國人民全體!韓國の主人は官僚の有力者ではない!韓國の主人はサムスン李健熙(이건희)、リー鎔(株式Jae Yong、이재용)父子家族財閥!人民民主革命!

  5. #

    9·11恐怖襲擊主謀是德國前總理赫爾穆特·科爾(Helmut Kohl)





    司法部長塞申斯,威脅起訴美軍將領,理由更牽強,詐騙軍費!性交易!好像是影射我。我什麼人物?!我什麼來頭!!!:) 默克爾!你負責解釋說明,我到底什麼人物?!我到底什麼來頭!!!將來默克爾以及默克爾的幫凶上法庭!上全世界人民的法庭!!!上社會主義公審資本主義的軍事法庭!!!全世界人民公審你默克爾的時候!這可是你的護身符!擋箭牌!!!能他媽替你擋子彈的子彈殼防彈衣!!!。:) 😀

    #9·11恐怖襲擊主謀是德國前總理赫爾穆特·科爾(Helmut Kohl)#
    #The 9·11 terrorist attack mastermind is a German former Prime Minister Helmut Kerr. #

    #The commanderships of all the theater sites in the United States, the service headquarters, the U.S. intelligence agencies, the governments of all countries in the world, and especially the Saudi royal family can prove the authenticity of these things that I have said. #

    #The multi-polar world, major powers and powers in the world, provide guarantees for the Saudi royal family and ensure the safety of the Saudi royal family members and property. #



    #日本駐華大使館[email protected],以色列駐華大使館:[email protected],#

    #德國總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)策劃撞毀美國海軍兩艘宙斯盾驅逐艦!#
    #老歐洲帝國主義列強(包括德國,俄羅斯,法國,西班牙)在美國本土安插大量間諜網!2013年叛逃到俄羅斯的愛德華·斯諾登(Edward Snowden)是雙面間諜,表面上為美國人民爭取公民權,實際上效忠老歐洲帝國主義列強(包括德國,俄羅斯,法國,西班牙)。#

    司法部長塞申斯,威脅起訴美軍將領,理由更牽強,詐騙軍費!性交易!好像是影射我。我什麼人物?!我什麼來頭!!!:) 默克爾!你負責解釋說明,我到底什麼人物?!我到底什麼來頭!!!這是你的護身符。:) 😀

    2016年美國大選是德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)授意美國前總統奧巴馬(Barack Hussein Obama),合謀操控270張選舉人票。所謂的通俄門純粹是偽命題!法國大選也是德國現任總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)一手操控的。

    #默克爾(Angela Merkel)企圖殺害特朗普總統(Donald Trump),然後扶植一個像法國總統馬克隆(Emmanuel Macron)那麼聽話的高級傀儡,長期操控美國人民!#
    #默克爾(Angela Merkel)授意俄羅斯總統普京,對中國人民實施核訛詐和石油訛詐,這個陰謀已經被粉碎!#


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