


  1. Wondering wtf happened to AMD, they really stepped up their game this year. Also I feel like I should be listening to this guy while sleeping.

  2. It was very Informative and innovative. Most people weren't the target audience, and/it too dumb to understand and read between the lines.

  3. I cannot believe that Frasers experience with the PS4 Controllers are that they last forever! Mine last like 2 hours, and Ive had to replace them like 3 times. PS4 Controllers BLOOOOW.

  4. Please fix the wire management. Please no stupid trapizoidal design that snatches wires like a greedy crackhead…please just make it a straight up rectangle. I want to scream at the guy who designed the PS4 case.

  5. Omg this is so weird… I couldn't look away, but I felt like I was in a fever dream.

    It's that feeling you get during a dream when people are speaking to you and around you but you can't make out the words.

  6. This presentation was clearly never meant for the general public… But that's ok! I don't need bro-hype pumping me up to go fanboy a console. I JUST need developers to start making amazing games, just like they did with PS4 (one the biggest reasons they completely fucking DESTROYED Microsoft this generation). Game developers matter!

  7. Yikes, gonna be honest, these comments are kinda disappointing lol
    I was expecting some people to actually enjoy all this genuinely interesting tech porn but I guess no one really cares but me

  8. Frasher you're too harsh on Mark. He really is smart.

    He graduated university at the age of 17. Atari hired him right after back in the 80s. He』s been a game director, producer, & programmer. Served as President of Universal Interactive Studio & was involved with the likes of Sonic 2, Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Dexter & Spyro. A lot of top tier developers often goes to his seminar presentation to hear him talk about game development process.

    He was heavily involved in the creation of the Sony/Naughty Dog ICE Team which stands for Initiative for a Common Engine ( Sony』s team dedicated to creating core graphics tech for the house of PlayStation ). This ICE team helped first party developers to extract all the performance they can get from the Cell processor. Utilizing in a way to give extra leverage to the RSX for graphic operation. The results was why your saw titles like Uncharted or The Last of Us games pushing the graphical envelop to new heights for the PS3 generation.

    He spent all of his holiday researching the architecture of the x86 to see if its more viable to be used effectively in a console environment opposed to the custom PowerPC , which eventually lead him to becoming lead system architect for the PS4. He went on a trip with Hideo Kojima visiting various studios. Searching for a suitable game engine which lead the technology foundation for Death Stranding.

    PS4 was widely praised for the ease of development compared to PS2 & PS3. Having him on board again is a good choice for PS5.

  9. Something really tickles me about fraser saying "real grainy image" and then ruddager appears at the bottom of the screen looking grainy due to the green screen effect.

  10. Well Spiderman is already a Ps exclusive them showing off instantaneous loading isnt impressive since its already made for Ps, xbox showed the division 2 which isnt exclusive to anything and runs like ass in consoles

  11. I think the Xbox will win in overall power ps5 will be better for storage i also think ps5 will sell more because the price will probably be cheaper than the series X

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