克里斯·庫莫(Chris Cuomo)變得個性化:冠狀病毒讓我作為父母感到恐懼

美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)的克里斯·庫莫(Chris Cuomo)與兒子分享了一個有關在冠狀病毒大流行期間保持觀點正確的時刻。 #CNN#新聞。

  1. The only liar here at CNN come on Chris why can't you be like your brother it's not all about money Chris you're a better man than this Trump trying keep everybody calm on the other hand you guys are pushing the panic button remember what you cnn said back in January about closing the border on China you cnn can't even eat goat properly wake up people CNN are liars

  2. Trump has put USA in third place only behind Italy. Most important to him though he will use any aid money to bail his own personal corporations and closest business allies. Lastly he will throw crumbs to workers and health care professionals.

  3. https://youtu.be/pup5s6secxo

    Whether you believe it or not, if you』re OK with this evil then you』re part of the problem… if you sit anywhere in a church or even claim that you know a just God in the slightest bit, then why do you think that same 「Just God」 would just sit back, year after year, decade after decade, and not let this evil be visited? Why do you think that just because a corrupt judge in the 1970s gave you the 「right」 to murder your own child, that it』s OK with that same 「Just God」 that you supposedly worship weekend after weekend? Do you think that He is powerless? There』s no point in going to worship your 「Powerful God「 if you really don』t think that He』s going to ever follow through with what it clearly says, chapter after chapter after chapter, in His Word, which is far more ancient than your 「reproductive rights」 and your 「entitlement」 to do this most heinous act to the most innocent life on the planet. You go on and on and on about people dehumanizing people because they are in the country illegally… You babble on and on and on about not using proper pronouns just because someone wants to be called something particular, on any certain day… You whimper on and on and on about the injustices such as racism, sexism, bigotry, and just using words that make you feel uncomfortable… you want to charge Americans a fine that is bigger than most mortgages in America, and compel people to violate their freedom of speech and religion, all because they use words that offend your tender ears. These freedoms were here from the start and you make people violate them, in order to compel them to say words that tickle your ears, and words that line up with your 「modern enlightened opinions」…. You let Muslims patrol themselves, simply because they were offended in the past, a few times, all in a city that is renowned worldwide for brutality upon brutality year after year, affecting ALL groups… All this while celebrating with such savage glee 「your rights」 to do all this and more to another human being, just because their life is not convenient to you. Did God give you these rights? No. Not at all. That』s what you』re forgetting. It』s bizarre how many people would say the idea of America ever having been involved in the slave industry makes them sick to their stomach, but yet this is a question I have for you. The American government at that time gave slaveowners the 「legal right「 to own those slaves. Yes people, they 「legally owned」 those slaves and they had the 「right」 to due to those slaves whatever they wanted. The bodies of those slaves were their 「property」 as well. But anybody with a heart would say that that was pure evil. And rightly so. And people love the ideas of Nazis getting what they had coming to them. They love to see when an old Nazi is ripped from his place of retirement to pay for the crimes that he committed many years ago. And rightly so. But ironically, there』s more blood on the hands of the abortion industry than Hitler ever had. And think of how many Africans died coming over on those disgusting ships, being put in chains, dehumanized and overworked to the point where they dropped dead. It brings tears to most people eyes when you ponder on that for a few minutes. Just watch a movie about Harriet Tubman, or a movie about the holocaust, and it』s almost impossible not to get choked up when you think about what they went through. But this delusion that has set into America.. This thing is a very different… a very strange animal… A delusion that has come, just like God said it would, and it』s hard to figure out, just how one can logically think that these crimes are any less? Because a human judge told you in a supreme court case that you had the right to do this? You have bought into one of the greatest lies ever told… Change your ways…

  4. Does he really think that his hands are any cleaner than Trump』s? One side or the other. Times such as these people look to the wisdom and folly of Talking Heads and Politicians. God is no respecter of persons. He is no respecter of news channels. He is no respecter of Republican or Democrat. Their deepest pontification, and their deepest wisdom, is nothing but His lightest folly…


  6. SHAME on YOU! I might not be big in the public eye, but I do know this. FAMILY! However you– have no idea what that means. In a time like this you use your power as a public persona to encourage, to motivate your followers towards a positive and not speak badly of those who do. To motivate and push his/her people towards a fruitful future IS the the job of a president. To which end, President Trump has accomplished. Trust me, Trump has not been a favorite of mine however, bottom line, when it comes to this horrible pandemic, he has done his job. Unlike you, you hide a camera to expose your child's fears as a means to up your ratings. What kind of a father are you?

  7. If ordering from amazon & other places it was said the virus can stay in the cardboard for 24 hours so it was recommended to leave boxes outside for 24 hours before bringing it in . We don』t get our mail out of the mail box until the next day . We don』t know who』s sick & handling our orders . Sometimes they don』t know they are carrying the virus either . So I pray for all of us & pray for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA .

  8. Here's what we can do for our country. Get this communist fredo off the TV. CNN needs to be shut down immediately. Hey fredo, go fuck yourself you lousy commie bastard.

  9. B.O.L.O.!!! Trump and his family WILL steal money from the stimulus package because that's the nature of the beast! After all, what's a billion or two when you sign a two trillion dollar plan…

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