




  1. Covid 19, can't help thinking there is a bigger picture, regarding the spread of the virus occurs on remote isolated Pacific island, how??
    Also the enormous redistribution of wealth. Anyone with large amounts of cash, the share market is now like an OP shop sale, buy cheep and wait for recovery, make a fortune after the crisis, when things bounce back. Every resession is a redistribution of wealth. Generous loans, millions more people and countries in more debt, when it's over, we have seen
    it many times before.
    Conspiracy?? No, it's to obvious. Already approx. less then 5 present of the population ownes 90 percent of all welth , how??? Regular resesions !!!!!
    Stay safe. Thor

  2. Australia is not in a good position, but we are definitely not in Italy』s position. When I done research on Covid-19 for my video, I realized the mortality rate is likely much higher. Stay safe y』all.

  3. The symptoms of Corona Virus are.. persistent dry cough, weakness, fever , maybe aching all over, then it may go into your lungs. Leads to shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, pneumonia.

  4. At first you might think it"s a cold ? If you got cold symptoms – you got a cold. If you got flu symptoms – you got flu. If you got pneumonia symptoms – you got pneumonia. If you get tested for corona with any of those symptoms – you now got corona. If you were going to die from any of those symptoms – you were going to die anyway. China has had people dying and being sick from respiratory illness in the millions for the last 20 years, where is that story in the media ?. The global economy has been on the edge of collapse for many years now. The stock markets have been propped up by massive debt for years. The global rulers want cash gone and replaced by a global digital one world currency. What would be an easy way to fix and cover up all of that in a big hurry. A black swan, false flag type of event would work well. First have a practice run scenario for how it will work – EVENT 201. This event was run last October prior to the release of the corona story. Now they cant decide where it came from. First we had live animal market story, well that practice has not changed for hundreds of years, so nothing new there, and now from there we have corona 1, the organic version. Next came the story of it coming from a laboratory, introduce corona 2, the synthetic version. Both of these have been used as a smoke and mirrors trick to cover up China"s pollution problem, blame the economic collapse on, and discourage further use of cash. statnews website has a story where dna sleuths look at the virus under a microscope, and this is the story on the origin of the organic version, corona 1 —— from statnews website – (( The ancestor of 2019-nCoV existed in that species (bats) for some unknown time, never infecting people, until by ""chance"" a single virus ""acquired"" a mutation that made it capable of "jumping" into and infecting humans. )) What kind of "chance" are we talking about here ? A one in a billion ? It somehow "acquired" a "mutation", what it went to the shops and acquired it ? And that made it capable of "jumping" species ? What, it decided it don"t like being a bat disease any more, changed it"s mind and decided to become a human disease ? WTF ? Don"t fear the virus. It"s got nothing on the economic storm about to hit the globe – Think about it. Should be called the CRAP19 virus, because it is made from nothing other than Crap Rubbish And Propaganda. And, it was good enough to make people crap themselves to the point they needed a lot of toilet paper. All based , as usual , on assumptions.

  5. I like that doctors poet ? , common cold is common cold and covid19 is a common cold.
    He forgot to tell dry coughs and short breath

  6. Didn't tell us anything new. We already knew COVID-19 possessed flu-like properties. Too difficult to even attempt to distinguish the viruses, unless tests are run.

  7. Like we can believe any data or stats that comes from CCP, we all know they unabashedly & extravagantly twist info to suit their own political agenda. Let's not forget if China was so 'proactive', they would've told WHO & rest of world leaders a lot earlier, rather than shutting up their own Drs reporting outbreak & focusing on minimising damage control on their own political control & image over Chinese people

  8. China lie so much you cannot take their stats seriously. They treated victims extremely badly, so are probably lying about their success rate to try to partly justify that if you ask me.

  9. I can't believe all the hype, 12/30k die each flu season in US alone,500k+ globally in 5 months, Lymes takes about 300k, not to mention the big C, and the kids in Africa, but no one asked why the global economy doesn't crash every flu season, but we've got to sacrifice our freedom,jobs, social interaction for this, my son won't come near me, because Scomo said so, just in case. I may have a blocked nose from fishing in rain all day last week, but I can still smell a Rat like Winston and the stench is thick.

  10. Countries around the world were watching China battling this virus for nearly two months!

    And they did nothing to prepare for this breakout!
    Many of them were standing there laughing at China and some were even happy about it!

    Now tide has turned, see who is laughting at last!

    Do not blame others for your own's stupidness and cold blood!
    In such a connected world, nobody is an outsider!
    Wish all well!

  11. I can』t believe that people are praising and believing that China has no new cases. Their figures are all lies. I don』t believe a word that is being said about China.?

  12. 350 people infected out of 25 million is pretty damn fucken good why are we so panicky if it was over a million I'd say we would be in trouble the media is blowing it out of Proportion.

  13. China DIDNT HIDE THIS OUTBREAK,I was looking up data supplied by them in late January,on the WORLDOMETER Coronavirus,Our own Govt hid the facts from us,by saying it's nothing For so long,!!

  14. Everything coming out of China is a LIE. The media don't want to upset the CCP so they don't report the truth.
    Notice how the media never reports about Tiawan and that the Covid-19 infections rate is extremely low. That is because of western media bowing down to the CCP.

  15. Go to facebook page about Tasmania no testing here all schools close tomorrow no food suspected over 1000 cases n climbing elderly left to drop on there heads basically 24 only icu beds here look it up on win news n you know what we can come to your state anytime i rest my case bloody joke.

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