5面膜清除指南| RESTO DRUID-恐怖的視覺(暴風城)|魔獸世界BfA補丁8.3



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  1. Don't if this has been said before.
    But what nod shows icons next to the damage like that?. Looks far nicer than any floating text mod ive seen.

  2. For Inquisitor Darkspeak (14:48) his channel sanity drain agonizing whatever can be interrupted with a dispel. Found that out by accident on my shaman. I saw your health bar color change showing you can dispel it as well.

  3. Thanks for this guide man. Managed to do some easy runs with your tips and tricks after fucking some up as Balance Druid, because I am a Plebberino =)

  4. I need a 8.3 resto druid guide please!! With all the new subs from corona virus we do not know how to play the classes when fresh boosted. Can you please drop a 8.3 Druid healing guide?>?? @MadSkillzzTV

  5. You can dispell the Agonizing Torment from Inquisitor Darkspeak, its a channeled spell so it will be interupted as you dispell. And now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

  6. Yo mad, if you were wondering how did you pull that extra pack around 10:37, it was a Horrific Figment that popped up close to them.
    Great video btw man, really useful for people who are not that sure on what to do in these visions as a healer. also, i wish i had the patience to play with all the healer classes like you do. (bfa turned me into a monoclass pleb) /cry

  7. First guy in trade district channel agony sanity drain you can dispel which cancels his cast. Can't get them all, but iirc every other one.

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