
Google語音可讓您更好地控制電話。藉助Google語音,您可以免費獲得所有電話的一個號碼,廉價的國際電話,語音郵件(如電子郵件)等等! (僅限美國)

  1. "You can even listen in on your voice mail…" err…. If you take the time to do this, why not just answer–that is what I call anti social media –If you content that you can weed out the solicitors–my answer is let's weed out solicitors before they call….and start talking to each other again

  2. To Grand Centeral

    There is no company provide such service for free, want to know how exactly they were able to provide the service for free, mainly and how exactly it use to work the World would like to know, you guys are real hero』s, sold your organization to Google & Google put price tag on it.

  3. Google makes a profit off our information, and now they want to profit from our phone conversation? This the mother of all scams. We, the people, should be paid to use these services, that Google profits from —call it revenue sharing.

  4. Samsung phone to google for the day and the school is going to be the first thing I've ever seen and I have to complete the pulse bank online mõm
    G has ?❤️???️?️???????️???️‍??️?? Gfg

  5. I am a Syrian living in Lebanon. And I wasn't allowed to sign up to Google Voice as many other simple free features online that are DAMN impossible for us to get. Please be fair Google and allow us same rights as every other human being on this Earth!
    To those who don't know, we can NOT install an app on our phone unless we hack it by a complicated method! or get it from mirror sites that usually mod it (Some Skype apps were modded by the Syrian regime to locate people and arrest them and some of them were tortured to death! A hospital was located and bombed because of that!)

  6. It』s the Instagram scammers heaven. All the scamming IG girls are using it, talking to 100』s of guys without giving out their real cell number…Simple to use!

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