【冠狀病毒19】陳振聲: 政府早已未雨綢繆 我國食品庫存仍充足

貿工部長陳振聲表示,我國並沒有面臨食物和必需品短缺的風險。他也指出,過去兩個月,政府一直同本地主要超市積極合作,增加本地的食品和必需品庫存。7 food .

  1. It is good for Singapore men to be trained in NS. During NS we learn to live with limitations. I hope Singaporean men are ready and mentality prepared for any form of crisis that may happen in Singapore or around the world. We who went through NS will also learn to appreciate what a good secure life Singaporeans have. React rationally during tough times. So please Singaporeans, wake up the idea. Those (men or women) who have been through tough times and NS please instill such mindset and readiness behavior in your families.

  2. If Channel 8 is serious about attracting our younger generation to watch Chinese news, they should seriously source for better costume/ outfit for their newscasters so that they don't look old fashion/ auntie-like.

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