


嘉蘭居住在一個公寓社區,其他居民通過共享物品和食物互相幫助,以度過難關。 (訂閱:https://bit.ly/C4_News_Subscribe)


冠狀病毒與我:本·卡瓦納的旅程-從武漢隔離區到威勒爾機場:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = Y-GB9EYqAGM


武漢內部:中國冠狀病毒隔離區的日常生活:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = luztq …

武漢市內:在冠狀病毒封鎖中烹飪和慶祝生日:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = EeaXm …



  1. A very interesting and informative video. Thank you for sharing . You are giving hope to the rest of the people in the world that they can survive the lockdown ! Btw 你的英語非常好 !!

  2. How do you get this video to the outside world. This type of video has been forbidden by the CCP. You supposed to be quaranteen. This is propoganda

  3. here in London. how is anyone supposed to pay their rent.
    they expect us to pay it after this is over.
    its so fucked up I am fuming how everything is going

  4. If your potatoes are sprouting, keep them out of the sun and away from your onions! Always store potatoes in a cool dark place to make them last a long time.

  5. The Chinese government spends Billions every year on propaganda.
    SARS, Birdflu and this new virus have originated from wet markets.
    Don't allow them to rewrite history.
    Report the facts.
    It is still running rampant in China. People are dying and their government doesn't care.

  6. This experience will slow everybody down and hopefully making money to pay for essentials and things people want won't be so urgent anymore, I'm hoping. This world has gotten too fast and too stressful.

  7. Hello from Los Angeles we are on Lockdown now. Is there mass hysteria there over food???
    Thank you for this video and God Bless you and your family.❤️??❤️

  8. Good idea to hang the outdoor outer wear jackets outside until needed for the next outdoor venture,, away from longer inhalation or touching other household items if stored indoors for example. Also seems like a good idea to cover one's hair with a hood or hat when outdoors and remove shoes when returning indoors ! Good luck all to fighting this terrible vicious viral pneumonia Flu dear humans on this common precious World we call Earth !!

  9. the people of Wuhan have done such an incredible job. you should all be very proud of yourselves and your communities. thank you for taking the time to share this. we are just going into lockdown. wishing all the people of Wuhan well in everything.

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