
有研究人員正在努力尋找COVID-19的來源,以期找到治癒的方法。 NBC新聞的Richard Engel在新加坡的一家實驗室報道說,蝙蝠是疾病的根源。

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  1. It's not the bats fault, it's Chinese people food for eating everything that walks, crowls or flies. They are the ones who bought this to the world and they must be made accountable for it. They should not be given any passes, and this PC nonsense is unacceptable. Let's be honest, if this started in Africa, we would not hear the end of it, everyone would be going in for Africans, so why should we excuse the Chinese? It is made is China. They caused it. For once, Donald Trump was right. It comes from Chin-na!

  2. Yeah right. Is this what there going with now? Forget that it was made five years ago in a university in the United States in order to see how many cross species it could infect. Forget that the project was not being funded anymore and had to be sent to China due to their unorthodox scientific practices. Oh no. Its the bats. Those bad ol bats.

  3. When China was a starving hermit state cut off by choice from the outside world because of Mao's stupidity they weren't exporting exotic viruses. Cut the aardvark eating primitives off again. Let them enrich themselves with their stupid vibrant culture and weird cuisine on their own.

  4. Ok which is it??????? I have watched 3 news shows and multiple videos that said it came from the Pangolin, which looks like a combination of a sloth, an anteater and an armadillo.They even showed one in that wild animal market in China. Yon can't get a straight answer on anything. This doctor never mentioned pangolins. The others never mentioned bats!

  5. It's NOT the bats fault that people are so FKN DISGUSTING…I'm positive that they didn't say, he why don't you capture me, slaughter me and then eat me! As if there aren't enough things to eat that we need to be slaughtering ANY animal for consumption!!!! I HATE PEOPLE ????

  6. The virus came from Allah as a punishment. Happened in 1720, 1820, 1920 and now 2020. Scientists and researchers wont find any 100% proof that this virus comes from bats or any other anmals. They're just assuming. They're not sure. China tortured and killed Muslims, Italy disgraced islam & prophet Mohammad in their church, Iran helped killing Sunni Muslims in Syria… and many more anti-islamic activities around the world. So Allah brought this virus on earth as a punishment for the bad people. Humans didn』t create this virus either.

  7. So this virus mutates. So, why if theres been other pandemics before this one, (COVID-19) why wasn't any National quarantines, hoarding of toilet paper and complete chaos emptying shelves? You said this was in 2003 and 2009?, what is the difference between THEN and NOW?

  8. This scientist is 90% sure that Covid19 came from bats……. Not good enough…. I need to be 100% …if not 101% sure…. Then she says it "most likely" came from the animal markets in Wuhan, China…..I thought scientist are supposed to deal with empirical facts ………….. and not unfounded speculation………

  9. Don't eat animals that are not ment to be eaten. Bats ,dogs,cats,rats,snakes,ect.fillthy,wet markets.Really for people of high intelligence why such prehistoric things being allowed to continue ??

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