詳細的PlayStation 5規格已公開。讓我們將Xbox Series X與PS5進行比較


索尼終於公布了PlayStation 5的詳細規格。就紙面上的圖形性能而言,它似乎落後於微軟的Xbox Series X控制台,但這是全部嗎?訂閱ReviewTechUSA!

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#PS5#PlayStation5 #XboxSeriesX。

  1. Isn't the Series X supposed to be like the pro version of Microsoft console? (read about them working on 2 consoles or something, one was like 6 tf I think). If so, Sony will probably release the PS5 Pro with better specs than Series X.

  2. Definitely getting the X. Microsoft is just much more consumer friendly and I already own a ton of games that will be backwards compatible day one. Also games pass is just too good.

  3. SONY = SMOKE AND MIRRORS. Shocking how people are still shocked by this. Sony…..what games will ps5 have? Sony fanboys " who cares it will eventually get games DAY 1 BUY" wtf?!?! Lol

  4. I』m not worried about the Hardware for next-gen. It』ll be pretty solid. But where are the games? In my life I』ve seen a fair number of Console releases, only a handful survive with bad game lineup at launch/early.

  5. My own personal thoughts about the next gen consoles having lower on board memory tend to vary. On the one hand I can see it as a issue, but on the other hand I can also see potential ways they could have solved the issue. I know everyone likes disk formats, yet from what I can see this makes the case for cartridges more viable.

    Think about it. If a bunch of the info is stored on the cartridges itself and you don't have to install a huge game onto your system, this would theoretically make it like how some of the older consoles felt. Yet, I believe they could also give us faster loading times.

    Faster loading, no installs and lots of on board memory. Just use the memory for saves and downloads. It could work.

  6. Sony is opting for the Iphone model – Having lower specs depending on better optimization, and banking on Devs feeling there is an incentive in spending money to do the extra work due to market share.

    MS is definitley going to be easier to Dev for, although they are much more compatible this Gen.

  7. I still may end up with a PS5, but Sony sounds like Nintendo here.

    "We don't need to be fast to have great games."

    No, but when you were so much faster (than original Xbone), what happened for you to be up to 20% slower this time around?

    The only thing Sony can do now is, possibly have some spot-on industrial design, and the cheaper price.

    Microsoft knows they lacked exclusives, they will change that this gen. All this being said, I want a PS5. I have an original Xbox One, and am glad Microsoft will guarantee that new games will run on it for the first 2 years.

  8. I like how he's saying the Xbox isn't much more powerful than the ps5 but then hes saying how much faster the ps5 is?‍♂️ we won't know for sure until they both come out and if one's faster than the other it's gonna be by nanoseconds so stop acting like the ps5 is the flash ?

  9. I love how everyone always has something to debate the better specs of the Xbox. 「Xbox does have all around better numbers, BUT the PS5…」

    Just give us a break for once. Give us the edge this ONE TIME xd

  10. I'm confused by some of these YouTube channels. The fact that most of them are covering this like it was a ps5 reveal is beyond bonkers. It was a replacement for the talk they scheduled for gdc which got cancelled.

    That's it. Wasn't a reveal. Anyone expecting anything different from what was shown fooled themselves into expecting that.

    For real! You're disappointed that a presentation for developers was highly technical? Huhhhh? Are you also disappointed when water leaves you wet or the sun makes you hot?

  11. What took me by suprise with PS5, was like.. SSD POWEEEEER! ITS LIKE 100X FASTER… For me, it was 10 years late. IT HAS AUDIO! MASSIVE TECH.. my god… are we back to 2009 or somthing? Is this a history lesson? Then it comes to specs, its like the 4 year old specs for a pc we are looking at. Now im happy im a pc guy. I did not feel the hype at all. The new upcoming gen consol is like my bedroom pc, that was built 6years ago

  12. I think Microsoft is going to dominate this gen. They've got a bunch of exclusives coming as a result of all those acquisitions, they've got the most powerful console and they're the most consumer friendly. They've come a long way since Phil took over.

  13. Seems PS5 is more smartly developed. Faster NVME not jus PCIE4 slapped on top of it, but a direct bus. And lots of custom smart processing. Just more features then xbox 1.2 t flops raw power.

  14. I feel like developers are more happy with the PS5 not because just the capabilities, but how easy it will be to develop on and removing barriers.

    The Xbox is just superior in most ways, especially the GPU.

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