角落裡的票!動物跨越新視野-第2部分(Nintendo Switch)

《動物穿越新視野》的遊戲演練,即帶著阿卜杜拉(Nadtenah’s)在Nintendo Switch上用Nook Miles票參觀神秘的島嶼。

  1. My brother took all of my cherries off da trees and now I need 20 cherries and they』re gONE so I keep saving up for the island things and OUT OF ALL THINGS THERES BAMBOO AND PEARSSSSS

  2. OMG I HAVE THE EXACT SAME THING AS UR ISLAND.. it』s a little different but close
    My Hemisphere: Northern
    My Fruit: Pears
    My Animals Are Same But Not The Sheep
    My Airport Color Yellow 🙂

  3. I actually saw 2 tarantulas tonight, my first night. I tried catching the first one patiently, and when I went to swing my net I got knocked out. About an hour and a half later while I was running through my island I got chased by the second one, and I luckily had my net. Running from bees in City Folk and New Leaf TRAINED ME FOR THIS MOMENT.

  4. love the wooden crafting table, i take it with me if i'm using my axe so i don't have to run all the way back if it breaks ?

  5. You can take this with a grain of salt but Abdallah you need to listen to the viewers more. There were several times when a viewer told you something and you just shrugged them off. Slow down a little and enjoy the game. Animal Crossing is not a game to race through and have a heart attack over.

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