
德國的互聯網速度在全球排名第70位,在4G / LTE網路覆蓋的地區中佔65.5%,落後於其他歐洲國家。

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#RT(Russia Today)是一個全球新聞網路,從莫斯科,倫敦,巴黎和華盛頓的工作室向100多個國家/地區廣播。 RT是第一個突破YouTube觀看次數10億基準的新聞頻道。 。

  1. Look on the bright side. Your country isn't run by Putin and you don't have to worry about your internet being cut off by a dictator… LMAO

  2. My friends and wife relatives who are Slovenians cannot believe when we are telling them that we still have DSL connections and that in Berlin itself very small portion has optic fiber for Internet connection. We still enjoy very fast 20Mbps DSL while in Slovenia where government many years ago completed a megaproject "Fiber Optic to the Home" and except mountainous region where are remote farms, they use superfast WiMAX system which is ensuring them whooping 400Mbps, everyone has optic connections and mostly they have 650Mbps connection. Now compare that with our whooping German predominant 20Mbps, oh sorry that is also science fiction because that is only promised speed not actually given. Every day after kids come back from school and start to use Internet the speed drops even below 1Mbps. We are living in stone age just because Merkel and her government said that Internet is not necessary probably because is revealing all lies and deceptions they are doing and besides they have church support because bad influence of truth tellers and challengers of religious postulates. Sometimes I have feeling that we are living in medieval times.

  3. Top 5 countries by internet speed:
    1. Singapore ??— 60.39 mbs/sec
    2. Sweden ??—46 mbs/sec
    3. Denmark ?? — 43.99 mbs/sec
    4. Norway ?? — 40.12 mbs/sec
    5. Romania ?? — 38.6 mbs/sec

    It s paradoxical how most of Germany neighbors have the highest internet speed

  4. Germany should stop sending {{{ reparations }}} and invest in better telecommunications without espionage, propaganda, and censorship by the NSA, CIA, FBI, Mossad, Dgoogle, Sucker-borg's Face(hugger)book, etc.

  5. Huawei will give you super 5G internet speeds. But Germans too busy kissing USA butt to solve their internet problems

  6. Korea goes 15 times faster than Canada (did rank 64th, behind Kenya…Can ya believe? They have moved up since). Even with Optic fibers, pace is slow. Wait for the real thing, 5-6 G… Welcome to a country "en voie de Sous-développement"!!

  7. Yeah, maybe Germany does not have the best internet connection but…who does an internet speed test by browsing YouTube and placing phone calls? Its like you re trying to be stupid. For wired connections Germany still relays on DSL for the majority of the network… and DSL no matter how fast your package is, the upload is still really bad. 2! go back a do another report!:)

  8. Compared to Australia Germany is fast. My coverage in Australia, when it works is so slow it is in bytes. Sometimes it will be in KBits and when it is working properly at 3am it will be 1MB. We pay for 40MB from Telstra/Foxtel but their quoted speed has never happened. Just today it was off again for 2.5 hours.

  9. Fake News: Africa and the Middle East sent over to Germany it』s brightest people .

    People of Germany only gave to read the Quran for every question they need answered. LOL

  10. Last I knew in 90's phone and data for most village locations didn't have wired connects. They would have towns and villages using satellite links to transfer phone calls between towns. Unless they have installed fiber optic lines between all towns since then don't expect much of a change. Phone calls then was like buying gold.

  11. German birth rates are below replacement levels. In seventy years time it will be an Islamic Caliphate, who cares about internet speeds.

  12. yea I haven't wasted any money on a "can you hear me now, how about not? now? now? hello? hello? oh fuck!' phone/tracking device.
    Let me know when a cell phone works like a sat phone.

  13. Omg, Germany needs to be bathed continuously in pulse modulated micro millimeter waves asap!!! Ignore the health-nuts and conspiracy theorist on this one if you want that A.I. surveillance dividend.

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