

本賽季回歸:吉澤爾·布萊恩特(Gizelle Bryant),凱倫·休格(Karen Huger),阿什利·達比(Ashley Darby),羅賓·迪克森(Robyn Dixon),莫妮克·塞繆爾(Monique Samuels)和坎迪亞斯·迪拉德·巴塞特(Candiace Dillard Bassett)
新主婦溫迪·奧塞福(Wendy Osefo)在這個季節充滿智慧和無禮,她確保女士們對她的名字有所尊重

吉賽爾·布萊恩特(Gizelle Bryant)與前夫賈馬爾·布萊恩特(Jamal Bryant)牧師重燃戀愛之情,但她的女兒們正在努力接受他們的新常態,這對夫妻倆來說充滿了挑戰。

儘管凱倫·休格(Karen Huger)和雷(Ray)帶著漂亮的新家回到波托馬克(Potomac),但當凱倫(Karen)發現雷(Ray)對她的感受可能與以往不同時,他們的23年「機構」可能還是個問題。

阿什莉·達比(Ashley Darby)和邁克爾(Michael)帶著他們的新寶寶迪恩(Dean)處於天堂般的幸福。但是,就在他們的關係回到正軌時,邁克爾的瘋狂夜晚在小鎮上的消息威脅著他們新近獲得的幸福。

羅賓·狄克森(Robyn Dixon)和胡安(Juan)經歷了地獄,回來了,在與兩個兒子一起住在一個屋檐下六年之後,羅賓(Robyn)準備將事情正式化。現在,她所需要的只是讓胡安(Juan)採取行動,還是先採取行動?

雜耍一個有三個孩子和一個新羽毛朋友的房子,對莫妮克·塞繆爾(Monique Samuels)造成了傷害。她需要做的最後一件事是和Candiace演戲,但是當與女孩子們度過一個夜晚時,她們的友誼發生了轉機,影響了所有婦女。

坎迪亞斯·迪拉德·巴塞特(Chris Candiace Dillard Bassett)和克里斯(Chris)慶祝結婚一周年,並考慮在這個問題上增加一個嬰兒。但是,在Candiace專註於家庭事務之前,她必須處理與Ashley尚未解決的問題以及與Monique的衝突。

最新的家庭主婦奈及利亞裔美國人溫迪·奧塞福(Wendy Osefo)博士作為教授,政治分析家和企業家受到三重威脅。她已結婚9年,是三個孩子的母親,其中包括一個新生女兒。永遠不會被低估,她充滿了無聊,並準備在波托馬克上留下自己的印記。

#RHOP #RealHousewivesOfPotomac




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  1. Potomac is gonna be very interesting drama!. I heard the rumor that after this season 5…. Robyn and Candice will get the boot and will be returning next season 6…wait and see….

  2. Yall these ladies are literally from the same area as me, and I love that they are representing Maryland! Robyn doesn't live in no Potomac though, she lives in Hanover (which is a lower middle class suburb near Baltimore) and I believe Candace lives in the Baltimore suburbs as well. Giselle and Monique do live in Potomac though. And Karen I believe is in Virginia. If my memory serves me correct Ashley lives in or near Bethesda, which is a very rich upscale area. But where Robyn and Candace live, anyone literally could afford to live there…in fact I did live there for about a year and it's kind of a bad area. Anyway, just thought I'd give some of my Maryland insight. These girls live like 45 minutes to an hour apart from each other. Only one that is truly Potomac/rich bitch is Monique. The rest are your average Marylanders with a platform.

  3. My thoughts coincide with your thoughts Justin buuut idk why we're saying it's better than Atlanta no no noooo it's better than NY, NJ etc etc?Get in to iiiit

  4. Giselle needs to go because her hating ass never had a storyline. She』s like Cynthia Bailey just there serving zero purpose wasting Bravo』s money. Monique became messy last season and Candace always do the most for no reason. This was a great video so now It』s official‼️ I subscribed‼️?

  5. Gizelle been hating on Monique since day one! Lets not forget the house issue. When Gizelle try to lie and said Monique was bragging about how many homes she had, but what really happen Gizelle was trying to throw shade and miss!

  6. There is more housewives bc I don』t think they getting paid as much as Atlanta also I feel they trying to get rid of Monique which is feel is trash. She is the best one out of all the girls with the only successful long term marriage. #TeamMonique

  7. This is just stupid, why act like you're bout that life and when it's brought to your front door and it is not in your favor, you want to play the poor helpless victim in fear if your life. If one is subjected to the scrutiny, then both need to toe the line!!! Period #TEAMMONIQUE

  8. TEAM Monique! Candace has way too much mouth for Monique and everybody else but can』t stand up to her own mom! And Gisele is just a high school mean girl and is looking pretty ridiculous as it is so obvious that she is jealous of Monique!

  9. What do I think is gonna happen? I think that Ashley is gonna be keeping the Ruby Slippers for herself and sending Michael back to Oz on the Yellow Brick Road. I hope that prenup is good.

  10. I loooove Monique So much bravo should not by any chance drop her… Gizelle is beat up. Monique is the queen of RHOP just how Porsha is the queen of RHOA.

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