Nintendo Switch-Panzer Dragoon-發射拖車

Panzer Dragoon遊戲的全新翻版版本,與原始版本一樣,具有經過改進的圖形和控制項,適合現代遊戲標準!在一個孤獨的星球上,您會遇到兩條從遠古時代喚醒的巨龍。擁有過去的致命武器以及藍色鎧甲龍的指引,您必須實現自己的命運,並阻止原型龍到達塔樓或死去嘗試。

Panzer Dragoon今天在Nintendo Switch上發布!




  1. Je suis vraiment content de voir ce monument de la Saturn ressortir de cette façon. Ça permettra aux jeunes d'y jouer dans les meilleures conditions. SEGA ???

  2. I had it on sega saturn it was an impressive game in its time, I hope it costs 10 bucks and not like overpriced crap on Nintendo store asking $60

  3. Ok, so I've downloaded and played the game today and this is my honest opinion…
    1. First of all rest assured this remake has been done with love and care
    2. There is no noticeable input lag (If there was, I didn't feel it influence my gameplay)
    3. Music is awesome, I was skeptical about the sound at first, but now I love it (lower the music to 85% for a better mix)
    4. Framerate could use some work (sometimes it looks bad only because its not locked)
    5. Graphics (levels 1-4 look great, and each has a distinctive look and some new visual effect, the forest/jungle level is kinda ugly, but passable, the rest I didn't get to see)
    6. Atmosphere is amazing, in some areas I dare to say even better that the original (especially in closed areas)
    7. "Bouncy" dragon…I really didn't notice that till I saw the comparison, It didn't hinder my enjoyment or gameplay, keep in mind I played and still love the original, but I don't see anything wrong with this one, in fact it gives a better feeling of flight, the original feels like a plane with flapping wings (no offence, I know it was for done gameplay sake).

    Areas they can, and should improve; I wish they give the option for old SFX and an option to turn of the animation of dragon's momentum movement / "bouncy dragon" (at least to make the fans happy), better framerate (not strictly from a gameplay perspective, but to give the game that polished AAA look, its sooooo close…) The rest so far seems great…I got the nostalgia chills many times while playing this, and the music really goes well with the new look…I am so happy 🙂

  4. Right from the bat, I notice something wrong with the graphics. The graphics feel kind of watered down compared to the initial trailer. Graphics don't matter much if the game plays well, and this game is no exception. Gameplay > Graphics

  5. I know this game franchise still tugs some people by the nostalgia strings and such, but here's the real question here…How many people would want to basically buy an on-rails shooter game anymore?…I mean, if this game wasn't an on-rails shooter, it'd probably have a much bigger fighting chance

  6. I CANNOT WAIT for this game! Please keep doing more of these Sega & Nintendo! Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Shining the Holy Ark, Shining Force III, Shining Wisdom, Dragon Force I & II, Deep Fear, Sonic R, Virtual On, Die Hard Arcade, Burning Rangers, House of the Dead; there are so many Saturn titles that would be fantastic to revive on modern systems.

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