從伊甸園出發-發射預告片-Nintendo Switch

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#OneStepFromEden #NintendoSwitch

訂閱更多任天堂的樂趣! https://goo.gl/HYYsot

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  1. Me: hey! It's that game that's heavily inspired by MegaMan Battle Ne-
    Capcom: proceeds to sleep choke me Shhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
    Me: again….
    Capcom: that's twice now.
    Me: whispers …and I'll do it again…

  2. Game looks awesome, from an OG MegaMan Battle Network player.

    But I'm not digging/in love with the artstyle to get me hooked 🙁
    The 8-bit choice is "alright" for my taste.

    Sorrys. Being a stickler here. If it was bright and vibrant with color + any other stylistic art choice for the game I think it would of grabbed more audience. The 8bit style is like retro gamer/og players will buy. And not the masses 🙁

    I'll think about buying it since the corona lockdown gave me time to plays games

  3. I hate to be a brand-loyalist, but without MegaMan in this, I dunno if this game can keep my attention, despite how fun this looks. Gosh, I hate my brain. 🙁

  4. Looks like how 20XX and 30XX took up the Megaman X -> Z -> ZXA mantle and added Roguelike elements, this looks like it's taking Battle Network and tossing in Roguelike elements too.

    I'm super gonna get this.

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