
這個月將是您有史以來最快的水平,從1到120,或者介於兩者之間! 100%的獎勵經驗是巨大的。

  1. love this move. I do think the buff needs to be extended though. We need more time to get heritage armor for each race….that takes time for each race. one month isnt long enough, especially if you have a job and family

  2. The questions are why you would want to level up in BFA if you already have a main? What is the point of alts when everything in the game is there to slow and make their progression a chore? Why bother to level up at all in this expansion?

  3. I want to see score levels in world of Warcraft kinda like with guides a number that ranks you after 60/120 , maybe opening up little things the devs make quick by using old stuff that is ready to use in the game like GM island. They used to have a score in games why not bring it back.

  4. Lol, I started playing again yesterday and didn』t even realize I was so quick to join after the bonus.
    Leveling has been retarded, but after grinding it so many times I don』t mind.

  5. there is nothing interesting in this. Why are we leveling so fast? it was too fast to begin with, now that everyone has plenty of time we make it faster? It sounds like blizzard has one pavlovian response to all situations and its not a good thing.

  6. Loving this buff, but the only thing I'm dreading is the annoying rep grind to unlock flying in the BFA zones. So…if Blizz can also throw in a rep buff that'll be great lol.

  7. I tried getting into retail because of this xp buff, but just can't. Retail has become a mobile game and it is way too easy for my liking.

  8. Heal druid and heal monk from 20-120 so far. Easy. Instant invite many times, and except one tank warri who used lvl 60 heirloom at lvl 83 i didn't have any problems yet.

  9. I definitely plan on getting my ally druid from 110 to 120 and then at least a priest & monk on Horde to give me 1 of every class max level there. Then who knows?!

  10. I am currently lvling my allied race dks I doubt I will get them to 110 or 120 being that they are only in the mid 60-70 range the only allied race that I don』t have I unlocked is the mechagnomes I』m revered but the experience gain is way too slow

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