Nintendo Switch-獨立世界展示會3.17.2020

在最新的Indie World Showcase中查看即將在Nintendo Switch推出的精選獨立遊戲!從視頻中獲得了最愛?

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  1. I think Blue Fire looks like a 3d hollow knight, so Ill be picking that up for sure, that said I'm getting extremely impatient when it comes to silksong, i love team cherry and I know their small but there comes a point where refinement becomes a bit excessive and worrying about enemy counts turns into never ending development. They had playable demos LAST HALLOWEEN, a half a year ago, hollow knight was one of my favorite games of all time but turning something that was dlc into a game is taking a bit too long for most peoples liking including my own. I'll happily take 10 less enemies or one less boss for the game to simply release in a reasonable amount of time. It's just getting a bit frustrating, we dont even have a release "window" yet , which means we aren't even to the point yet where we are just a couple months out and that in itself is getting kindve absurd.

  2. M I only ne here who think that nintendo behaves really bad towards custommers ? will there be any nintendo direct, and I mean direct not that indie junk, at least anounce new direct 1 month before it will be airing ! With real good games because last year was bad like that new pokemon that was the worst think you could do and theese dlcs too, and you are acting like you are testing, even idiot will say it is bad ! Im werry dissapointed, next console I will go rather for sony, they at least are giving more exclusive deals and games, after half year that game drops so I can buy it and not wait for 3 years for game to drop 10 % down…. You are bad company !

  3. I like that Sky got a spot in this video, despite it being a bit of a small one. It's a wonderful game that really deserves some more attention.

  4. The Nintendo Switch console doesn't even deserve this at all. Hardly any 3rd party games but a boat load of games like this. It's okay to have indie games but it's not okay to have more indie games than 3rd party games. How can you show case this but no direct you all are gonna fail this year gotta do better SMH.

  5. I'm extremely excited about The Last Campfire. It looks incredible and after the lessons learned from the release of No Man's Sky, and what they made it into, I'm very excited to see what comes of this new game.

  6. Guys. If there was a Smash reveal then no one would leave this thinking 「wow, some of those Indies look really promising!」 Everyone would leave this going 「wow, X person is in Smash!」 And it would totally take away from the point of this Direct

  7. sick of this eshop filled with indie filth that never heard off…..cartoonish garbage for newborns to play with. switch can do better then that, skyrim and witcher 3 ported? then why not to port all fallout series? i mean needs more mature games. all this indie crap coming off phones onto switch is just wasted effort. switch has nothing to offer just handful of mature lasting games and the rest is just indie junk off trailer park devs u never heard off…..

  8. Greetings you fabulous Earthlings and Happy Tuesday!! ??I bring thin crust pizza to all you friendly Earthlings ?Don't mind me, just cruising by:::::::::::::::::?

  9. This upsets me more than it should 🙁 Some guy took his time and made a game (non profit) on a consoles game… and Nintendo comes by to get it taken down, seriously. Is Nintendo salty that 1 person was able to make a game as good as theres for free? Or are they upset that this user showed how easy it is to make their games that we are over paying for? Dreams makes me rethink what we pay for many indie games and etc. This is really going to demotivate people from making their favorite characters games remade. I wish MediaMolecule would have just said NO we are not removing it because its fan made and non profit.


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