








感謝收看! (/ ^▽^)/。

  1. Hi there! Thank you so much for providing us with so much content on how we can improve as artists. You're truly a huge inspiration. <3
    Mind if I asked a question? I was always wondering how all these big artists (such as you) get to their brushes (especially texture brushes). Do they just create them all yourself, or is there a set of brushes just everyone uses? I don't really like having to use other artists brushes, because it feels like my drawing is not entirely made by 'myself' anymore whenever I use them.. I hope that makes sense, sorry english isn't my first language. ;-;

    It's fine if you don't want to respond to this, I'd completely understand! c:
    In any case, much love your way. You're an amazing person for voluntarily sharing your knowledge like that. <3

  2. Hey Atey, I wanted to know what resolution you mostly paint in? Cause I had this problem when I paint in low resolution the final image looks bad after zooming in even 30% in. I'm using resolution like ( 4k – 2k ). And I don't have these problem when I paint in 8k canvas. So I wanted to what kind of resolution do you paint in mostly?

  3. First grow your hair and beard back 🙂 second it's a great show. Third like always Great art work

    FYI mumen rider joins the story and kicks everyone's ass with his bike of Justice 🙂

  4. This anime is awesome, your painting is really beautiful. Great tips and render, I like the mood too.
    Have you noticed the awesomeness of the staging when it comes to ZenItsu? (✰‿✰)

    Thanks for the share 🙂

  5. You are awesome, thank you for explaining your process(esp method to make snow )! <3

    P.S. Dude you are too cheery and friendly, this might make you vulnerable to hate comments, when you opened like that >_> Thats just a suggestion tho

  6. I've become a huge fan of this series, it's so good!! And you totally made it justice in this piece!
    Very inspiring as always!

  7. Interesting idea! Reusing older paintings. Some might call it 'cheating' but I call it time saving option. ^.^ Yeah like I said on DA I need to get over trying to do 'all the details' in a painting like this. I get overwhelmed. Environments aren't character portraits after all. Character portraits is something I've been working on for years so that might have something to do with it. Comfort vs unknown. Thanks for being simple, yet informative! 🙂

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