Super Smash Bros Ultimate Arms Fighter Reveal Trailer Nintendo Direct 2020

任天堂Switch將於2020年3月在任天堂Switch推出的Super Smash Bros Ultimate中展示武器戰鬥機。 。

  1. The thing I don』t understand is why didn』t they just reveal the character. It would be obvious that Spring Man would get in, but the fact that they didn』t say who it was it could be because it could be a new character, both for Arms and Smash Bros.

  2. What would be crazy is if they announced Springman despite him being an assist trophy like that would shake everyone』s future expectations up

  3. Hmm the Arms Fighter I think it』s Either Min Min Twinteller Ribbon Girl or Springman those are just few I think might be it but I』m probably wrong oh well just gotta wait until June

  4. If Spring man IS the fighter, than this means that assist trophies DON'T deconfirm fighters. Waluigi? And why wouldn't you have the mascot of your series be the representative in Smash?

  5. I think ARMS Fighter will be like Bowser Jr., it won't be just one character, it'll be multiple, maybe even all of them. Granted since some of them are bigger than the others that'll make it interesting how they will handle the hit boxes…

  6. Funny story, I haven't heard any news to let me KNOW when this direct will show up. And when I saw a thumbnail. I thought it's one of those fake trailers or theories. But turns out, it's not what I hoped for yet. But I will respect anyone's hype.

  7. Uncommon opinion above this hype is that I'm really not that hyped for this DLC… I feel like it wouldn't feel that good in smash. I managed to accept Byleth time by time by playing with the character itself but this time, it will be pretty hard…
    Yeah sure Sakurai always finds a way to fit a character in the meta (Ridley rings a bell?) and it'll probably be a very unique and funny character but…

    From a popularity point of view, many seem to share my thought: Yeah, it started in the best of the ways but the single game its pretty underwhelming.
    Also, I want to underline that "single" thousands of times… All of these characters in smash made history, in a way or another… ARMS? With a single game and, at least for how I see it, a pretty mediocre one? Mh, I should probably think about it way more than I actually did…

    That said, I'm open to all sort of critiques, preferably ones with common sense.

    EDIT: I forgot! Stay safe and stay home, fellas! I wish you the best of luck!

  8. If the character have the bowser jr "costumes" threatment maybe is going to be 4 guys and 4 girls.

    My bets are

    Min min
    Lola pop
    Dr. Coyle

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