

  1. I read this book freshman year for my project on stress on mental health, and this movie makes it look kinda boring. I』m sure it』ll still be great, especially with a great cast, it』s just different than what I imagined.

  2. Key moment for any actor coming off a successful run as asuper hero is right after they leave the franchise. They can either let their flame die out by doin nothin, get type cast (usually by doin nothin or stuff too similar to the hero franchise or some flops), or they can carefully select a few great movies where they show how much they can really do. Evans seems like hes aware of that and chose well.

  3. Hopefully the others, mainly R.D.J . make some great other movies too. In gis case all that im aware of is that Dolittle movie, and that looks crappy… ill be extremely disappointed if thats the kinda shit he does, but Im right there with Evans rn.

  4. Wooowww! So seems like Chris Evans left Marvel in favor of doing murder mysteries more then anything else, at 1st i was upset but i gotta say, i really liked Knives out, and this looks incredible too. And hes really grown as an actor and developed way more range then he had prior to becoming Captain America. Keep it up my dude.

  5. "We're sailing towards an ice berg, a little whit peak in the distance but really it's been underneath us the whole time."
    Jesus kid I know you're a suspected murder in a tv show but chill out. That sounds pretty guilty

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