我的舊愛-增強薩滿祭司-魔獸世界BFA 8.3


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#WoW #BFA #PvP。

  1. shaman are almost unkillable if played right…u have to be better at weaving in and out of ghost wolf…..run away, rebuff, run in…..you aren't a warrior..play it like a rogue

  2. I like how your voice doesn't go all angry when u shit talk enhancement and/or talking about being good with sarcasm. Voice of pure disappointment, FeelsBadMan.

    PS: I had option to boost my character and i tested enha shaman in the free 110 trial and i liked it BUT i was tricked/jebaited by inflated stats that it had. Later i re-spected into elemental.

  3. i gotta say that unfortunately i've felt the same, until i stopped playing. I used to LOVE enhance back in wotlk and cata, and even tbc to be honest, then i quit for a while and had a little experience in legion. Although i liked some of the changes it felt like something was missing, idk maybe some versatility, completeness, just some overall flavour. Perhaps i was quite rusty, perhaps i hadn't kept pace with the changes the game had gone trough, but the general feeling i had was that it was just an underdog class with no potential, ok in some situations, hopeless in many others, and that saddened me a lot, cause i've always considered enhance to be one of the funniest and richest to play, in terms of what it had to offer (like you i've always liked to play every other class as much as possible). Btw love your videos, keep it up mate!

  4. Switched from ele to enhance cause I hate stopping to cast in any fight. When I first cast my healing surges I thought I was lagging because they did so little. I heal more from pack spirit than healing surge could ever hope to.

  5. I remember how tanky enh was during wod.
    I remember following a channel called lectric games, he showed how tanky enh could be.
    Then Legion pre patch happened. Oof.

  6. Remember when Enhance was actually good at the very very start of BFA then they got immediately nerfed because people complained that Enhancement shaman were actually competitive? Rogues kill you in a stunlock in 4 globals and no one bats an eye, Enhancement shaman don't fall over immediately and actually deal damage and everyone loses their mind.

  7. If you want to be a bit tankier, try using Memory of Lucid Dreams as a minor, Breath of the Dying as a minor, and use Fury of Air. The constant spending of maelstrom procs a lot of heals.

  8. Yeah i think they need a baseline armor passive buff. right now you lose about 15-20% phy dmg reduction going enhance. since you can't use a shield after all. Also give them a 2nd defensive that's not ghost wolf talent. something like bark skin that balance druids have. And let them use riptide. that will give them at least a little more survivability and some small passive healing. heck consider giving them earthen wall totom. it's a strong talent on resto and makes more sense for a melee to have it.

  9. Yea same, Enhancement shaman is the reason i keep comming back to wow. Love the idea of using element infused weapons and to mow down foes with lightning strikes! I hope they give Ench shamans some love in shadowlands or even a full spec overhaul!

  10. Blizzard just hates shaman. All three specs are horrible. Resto doesn't stand a chance compared to all other resto specs. Enhance and ele dmg aren't that much of a difference from each other. There's arguably better range dps and dps melee specs that fare much better too. It's a class that frequently gets shit on. But that's why they're so much fun to play because you get to prove doubters wrong.

  11. I mean… I know ppl are mad that this spec sucks now but back in legion i couldnt kill shamans with selfhealing legendary pants as assa Rouge and back then i was mad So now i am laughing

  12. Enhance just feels clunky and flat out crap tbh. I have been playing enhancement since vanilla and this is the first expansion where I feel that I can't even play the character. You don't even notice if windfury goes off now. Both elemental and enhance lacks survival (unless you want to sit in ghost wolf and do nothing most of the time 🙁 ) Tnx for the video tho, I'm glad I'm not the only one who miss playing my enhance shaman.

  13. I've played enhance for a smidge. Left wow and came back and made an enhance on my brothers account and it's very fun! I like it! But survivability is shit. Like impossible to beat a ret pally.

  14. Yeah, I like shaman too. I've historically played Warrior, Druid, Paladin and Shaman.
    But they've pruned so much that they all feel like shadows of their former selves.
    WoD gets so much flack because it was essentially abandoned by the developers.
    But its saving grace was that class design was GOOD(not as good as MoP, mind you), and PvP gearing was the best we've had.

  15. I still play Enhance and I literally spread cheeks. It absolutely chunks people but the one defensive is shit for brains. Yet rogues have cloak /sap/evasion or parry/ blind/ vial……kidney……cheap shot……shall I continue?

  16. Been playin my enhance lately, love hearing "you're too squishy", usually from a DH, and I get to say, I have 2 defensives and barely any self heals. But when those procs come off….you get me for 30 seconds and burst down that priest lol

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