Iliza Shlesinger素描秀|官方預告片| Netflix喜劇系列

執行製作人伊莉莎·史萊辛格(Iliza Shlesinger Sketch Show)簡介並由喜劇演員伊莉莎·史萊辛格(Iliza Shlesinger)主演,她以諷刺,諷刺,充滿諷刺意味的人物和素描為題材,帶領她的合奏。該系列影片將於4月1日首播,慶祝並歪曲電視上的千篇一律的刻板印象,從古怪的健身計划到過度簡化的DIY節目和「現實」電視,盡其所能。

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Iliza Shlesinger素描秀|官方預告片| Netflix喜劇系列

在喜劇演員伊莉莎·史萊辛格(Iliza Shlesinger)的腦海中,出現了有趣而頑強的怪異人物,狡猾的社交評論和流行文化插科打mix的組合。 。

  1. Why was this recommended to me? She's that one comedian that always complains about men, right? I'm not exactly her demographic…

  2. Every comic has been trying to recreate the Chappelle Show since 2005 without success not realizing that he went all out because it was supposed to fail and succeeded despite that.

  3. I like Iliza doing standup and interviews, but these sketches don't look that good. I think she did a good job acting in Spenser Confidential, but this just feels kind of off. Idk if it's because she might be directing herself here, or if skit acting is just much different than general acting, but I feel like this is going to be a flop. Then again, it still doesn't look as bad as Amy Schumer's shit, and she's doing well. Guess it's just me.

  4. Part of me wants to like her, but I never do. I'm sorry, women comedians try too hard to be funny. It's like they have to tell you that they're funny in hopes you believe it. There's a lot of dud men comedians but I can only think of a couple women comedians who are actually funny. Ellen back in the day was probably the funniest, her latest special though, it didn't capture that magic of the past. Maria Bamford I used to enjoy and I also like Melissa Villasenor as of late. The problem with women comedians is they rely too much on raunch to try and be funny. Raunch just doesn't have that lasting joke appeal. Men aren't funny who are raunchy either. The raunchy comedian I ever found funny was Robert Schimmel. He was the only one who could make me laugh at raunchy comedy. But in general, the only true comedy is the kind everyone relates to. It's why Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Gaffigan, and the greatest comedian of all time – Brian Regan, just knock it out of the park. The have relatable and generally clean comedy. I just don't see women matching this caliber except for early Ellen, she could easily pull it off back then, but she lost the magic.

  5. ms shlesinger – just a note to say how much i enjoyed your performance in the new netflix 'spenser' movie. i hope it's the first film of a successful franchise. thank you

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