
在大貓主人的怪異世界中,怪人和邪教人物中,最引人注目的是喬·埃克西莫特(Joe Exotic),他是一個子的,to著槍的一夫多妻主義者和鄉村歌手,是俄克拉荷馬州路邊動物園的主持人。喬具有超凡的魅力但被誤導,他和令人難以置信的角色組合,包括毒king,騙子和邪教領袖,都對大型貓科動物充滿熱情,並且他們的危險管理者的地位和關注度也有所提高。但是,當動物活動家和大貓咪庇護所的所有者卡羅爾·巴斯金(Carole Baskin)威脅要讓他們倒閉,引發一場競爭,最終導致喬因謀殺案謀殺而被捕時,情況發生了黑暗轉變。一個比大貓更危險的故事是它的主人。





在這個來自大型貓科動物地下世界的真實謀殺案中,一個動物園主人在一群古怪的角色中失控。 。

  1. it's pretty ironic that all Joe ever wanted was to become famous and he got there with this docu series but he also got to prison.
    he's crazy and weird but I kinda liked him in the episodes tbh lol? and I also def think Carole killed his husband or at least had some shady role regarding his disappearance, I hope karma will eventually get her!!

  2. I haven』t seen this garbage and never will …. but I can see how this 「show」 has people talking about it … because people are so filthy they like to talk about their filth … because that』s what this parasite and everyone watching him are: FILTH

  3. Travesty of justice.
    This is one of the SADDEST movies I've ever seen. All the bad characters went free. Carole Baskin? …. Despicable! SMH …

  4. Bruh when homegirl got her arm bitten off and then went back to work a week later I was like!! Then wondering whether the evil looking homegirl killed her hubby or not had me like!!!! But then when Joe sang a song all about himself at his husband's funeral who had just committed suicide I was like!!!!!!! Basically throughout the entire show you'll BE LIKE!!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING. Thanks Netflix for this must-watch quarantine special!

  5. Netflix obviously burned down that studio. Why would they want Joe』s youtube channel and that other guys』 reality show footage out there when they spent 5 years making this series???Burn the competition down so that they can get all the views! Boom!

  6. This feels bad. Like at the expense of people who don't know any better. Like when they let that mentally challenged dude go live with the bears in Alaska and then he got eaten. Not judging anyone else, but personally, I don't feel comfortable supporting this.

  7. I love Joe. Is he unconventional? Sure, but he genuinely loves the tigers even with what he pulled. You know, even if her intentions are good the delivery is awful and she's very hateful to others. She threw the 1st dagger and she wouldn't stop for no reason. She has a much smaller area to play with than he did. I don't get her angle. It's not about the animals, it's very much about her and that just floors and disturbs me…no thank you ma'am.

  8. I watched the whole thing and there were no winners (only lawyers)!!!! The animals suffered and selfish humans showed their arrogance!!! Everyone claimed to be an animal advicate yeah right well not one animal benefited one bit….all that money you selfish arseholes spent on lawyers fees would have helped those beautiful animals in their natural habitat…yeah I can't stand either side or person involved in this both as gross as each other!!!!! I have one more thing to add to anyone thinking of suing or being nasty to anyone jut think to yourself "do you want to be right or happy?"

  9. Awesome series. It doesn』t portray a nice image of any of these so called sanctuaries mentioned in the series. Law enforcement should be re-investigating the death of Carol』s missing husband. What a douche bag she is.

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